标题 | 日本签证工作证明 |
范文 | 日本签证工作证明(精选17篇) 日本签证工作证明 篇1兹证明先生(小姐/女士)出生于X年XX月XX日,先生(小姐/女士)是我公司在职人员,从X年XX月XX日起在我公司任职至今,职位是X部经理,薪酬为人民币X元/月。 公司地址:XX市路号XX大厦楼X室 邮政编码: 上级主管领导:先生(小姐/女士) 联系电话:(区号)(固定电话号码) 特此证明! XX市X有限公司 (上级主管领导签名) X年XX月XX日 (加盖公章) 日本签证工作证明 篇2XX厅/局 在职证明范本-邮电国际旅行社(散客中心) -x年5月14日 在职证明格式: 单位抬头纸 在职证明 兹证明,在职证明范本出生日期X年XX月XX日,姓别 在X部门任职务 申根签证在职证明样本-意大利签证办理资讯全球旅行资讯服务佰程旅 日本签证工作证明 篇3致:签证官 先生/女士在(单位名称)工作,职位是(在该单位的职位)。他/她自(进入该公司的日期)年进入我公司。他/她计划于X年X月(出国时间某年某月)赴英国旅游,所有费用包括:机票费,运输费,住宿费和医疗保险等均由她/他本人/公司承担。她/他将会按时回国并继续在我公司工作。 姓名 出生日期 护照号 职位 月薪 G 在此我们担保他/她会在当地遵守英国的法律。旅游后他/她会回到中国并继续在我单位上班。所有的旅游费用均由他/她本人承担。 希望您能够予以签证 领导人签名 领导人职位 单位盖章 单位电话: 单位地址: 单位名称: 日本签证工作证明 篇4在职证明 兹证明 由 年 月至今在我公司工作,任职 。其出生日期为 年 月 日,护照号码为 。现我公司批准其于 年 月赴日本进行商务考察,保证上述人员在日本逗留期间遵守所在国法律,并按期归国。 特此证明 联系人: 联系电话: 单位: 日本签证工作证明 篇5兹有同志,在我公司任人力资源部人事经理及以上职务 ,且连续从事本职业5年以上。 我公司属于行业的大中型企业,销售额达。 特此证明。 单位名称(单位公章或者人事部章) 日期 日本签证工作证明 篇6致领事馆签证官阁下: 兹有我公司先生,护照号码为,担任我公司平面设计人员,月薪X元。欲于X年X月因旅游前往法国和意大利,为期约天。 此次所需费用由其本人承担。我公司保证其遵守贵国的法律法规,按时回国并仍担任原职务。请贵领事馆给予签证的方便。 公司地址: 公司名称: 总经理: 联系电话: 证明人: X年X月X日 日本签证工作证明 篇7民间机构出具证明信模板 (注:企业及民间团体等非政府机构可以不用中文,直接用英文,在本单位专用信笺上打印。红色部分为申请者根据自身具体情况,应修改的地方。) ※兴隆股份有限公司 地址:XX省XX市XX区路888号兴隆大厦邮编:800000 电话:(088) 8788-6688传真:(088) 8788-5588 网址:电子函件: Department of Human Resource XINGLONG INC. 28th May 20xx VISA OFFICE AUSTRALIAN EMBASSY大使馆 / CONSULATE领事馆 To whom it may concern Dear Sir or Madam: We hereby confirm that Mr. Zhang San(张三,注:用汉字标示一下), the visa applicant, whose national passport number is G88888888, has been working for Xinglong Inc. for fifteen years since July 1993 and has heretofore kept a good record of performance. The current title of Mr. Zhang is Deputy General Manager of the Department of Sales and his current salary (after-tax) is fifteen thousand and five hundred Renminbi yuan (CNY 15,500) per month. Mr. Zhang applied for a leave of 7 days from 1st to 7th October 20xx for his vacation that he planned to spend in your country at his own expense. He assures to comply with Australian laws when in your country and return to his position when the vacation is over. We have approved his application and made sure that we will reserve his position and salary during his leave. Please kindly afford him any appropriate assistance concerning visa affairs in case of need. If any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Li Si, the Department of Human Resource at +86 (88) 8788-6688 ext. 1234. Sincerely, (人事部负责人签名) Li Si(李四) Manager of Department of Human Resource Xinglong Inc. (公司盖章) 日本签证工作证明 篇8certification dear sir or madam: we 公司名称 hereby certificate that 申请人姓名(passport no.: 护照号)who has been working in our company since工作时间(从何时开始在该公司工作) as 职务of our company. details as below: name: sex: date of birth: salary: rmb /year position: passport no.: she/he is applying india visa for停留时间days tourist from去程时间to返程时间 年份 we guarantee that she/he will follow all the local laws and regulations during her/his stay in india and will be back on time. she/he will cover all of the traveling cost in india. kindly accept the application files and the issue of visa is expected. your understanding and cooperation will be highly appreciated. thanks and best regards. sincerely yours, (负责人签名) (职务) 公章 (公司名称) 2. 工作收入证明 兹证明女士,生于1957年7月26日,自xx年12月30号起至今担任支公司总经理。其xx年总收入包括各项福利为30万元人民币。其xx年前五个月总收入包括各项福利为15万元人民币。 x有限公司 xx年x月x日 certification of employment and income here is the certification of the past two years’ employment and income of ms , who was born on july 26th, 1957, and who has served as the general manager of co., ltd. wujiang branch since december 30th, . in , her total income including bonus and allowance was around 300,000 rmb. and during the past five months of , her income including bonus and allowance was around 150,000 rmb. co., ltd
3. 工作证明 *有限公司成立于1995年,注册资金为人民币贰仟万元。公司的经营范围主要包括。 先生于1995年加入我公司,后因工作业绩突出,被提升为,负责。先生工作认真负责,为我公司开发了广阔的市场,使公司在竞争激烈的市场中占据了一席之地。公司给予年薪为人民币4.8万元,其个人所得税由我公司代扣代缴。 先生为了将来在国内有更好的发展,决定赴英国留学深造,我公司也十分需要高素质的管理人才,所以我们十分赞同其留学计划并真诚欢迎先生学成回国后能继续在我公司从事工作。 如有进一步需要,欢迎与我公司取得联系! 特此证明! 总经理: *有限公司 xx年九月十九日 working certificate 19/09/ to british embassy whom it may concern development co. ltd. was founded in 1995 with the registered capital of rmb20, 000, 000. we mainly deal with . mr. has been working in our company since 1995. due to his outstanding working b ehavior, mr. was promoted to the in charge of . mr. worked hard and had opening up wide market for our company, which made our company has a stable position in the keener competition. his yearly salary is rmb 48,000 and his personal income tax has been deducted and paid by our company. for better development in the future, mr. decided to go to britain for further study. our company needs high-qualified manager, so we totally agree with his study plan and sincerely hope that mr. can come back to our company for further work after finishing his study. please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further information! hereby certified! general manager: *co. ltd. 日本签证工作证明 篇9领事馆: 兹有我公司员工,女x,出生于x年xx月xx日,于x年x月到我单位工作至今。任,月薪人民币xx元。护照号码为: 。经本单位领导同意从x年x月x日起至x月x日赴访友旅行,预计x年x月x日之前返回中国,x月x日返回公司上班,职位月薪不变。 特此证明。请予以批准! 人事部主管签名: 单位名称: 单位电话: 公 章: subject: tourist visa application we hereby certify that [mr./ms. ] hold of passport no. [] has been employed by this company as a [title] since [month/year]. we have approved [mr./ms. ]’s annual leave from [date/month/year] to [date/month/year]. [mr./ms. ] will resume [his/her] duties with this firm on her return to shanghai on [date/month/year]. we are confident that [mr./ms. ] will return to work on time. the purpose of [mr./ms. ]’s trip is tourism. [he/she] will not seek any employment or residency in [italy] and will abide by [italian] laws and regulations. we would be very grateful if you would approve [mr./ms. ]’s application for a tourist visa. should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me on [tel no.]. very truly yours, [company name] by: _______________________ [name] [title] 日本签证工作证明 篇10兹证明________是我公司员工,在________部门任________职务。至今为止,一年以来总收入约为__________元。 特此证明。 本证明仅用于证明我公司员工的工作及在我公司的工资收入,不作为我公司对该员工任何形势的担保文件。 盖 章: 日 期:______年___月___日 日本签证工作证明 篇11兹证明 (先生/女士)证件名称及号码 系本单位 (1.正式工、2.合约工、3.临时工),已连续在本单位工作 年,目前在本单位担任 职务。目前该职工的最高学历为 ,近一年内该职工的平均月收入(税后)为 元人民币。 本单位承诺提供的以上情况真实,如因上述情况与事实不符而导致贵行经济损失,愿承担相应责任。 单位地址: 联系人: 联系电话: 年 X 月 X 日 日本签证工作证明 篇12Certificate of Employment and Income May 17, 20xx This is to certify that , male, born on March 29 1956, has been working in China Pingmei(转 载于: 书业网) Shenma (Group) for 24 years. His current position is political assistant. Mr. Liu’s annual income (after tax) of the last three is as follows: In 20xx, his annual income (after tax) is RMB 103,800.00. In 20xx, his annual income (after tax) is RMB 87,700.00. From January 20xx to May 20xx, his income (after tax) is RMB 30,500.00. His annual income includes salary, rewards, and year-end bonus. (His personal income tax is deducted by the company) Chapter cover: 日本签证工作证明 篇13X X 市X X X X 有 限 公 司 证 明 兹证明先生(小姐/女士)出生于X年XX月XX日,先生(小姐/女士)是我公司在职人员,从X年XX月XX日起在我公司任职至今,职位是X部经理,薪酬为人民币X元/月。 公司地址:XX市路号XX大厦楼X室 邮政编码: 上级主管领导:先生(小姐/女士) 联系电话:(区号)(固定电话号码) 特此证明! XX市X有限公司 (上级主管领导签名) X年XX月XX日 (加盖公章) 日本签证工作证明 篇14__________驻上海总领事馆签证处: __________先生/女士/小姐在我公司_________部门任________职务,自_______年起就在我公司任职,至今已有_____年。现______先生/女士/小姐决定_______年______月前往________旅游,他/她将在_________停留___天。在________先生/女士/小姐团队旅行期间一切费用包括全程机票,住宿,一日三餐,健康保险等由其自行承担。我公司保留其职务到回国后。 __________先生/女士/小姐的月薪为RMB__________ /月。 申请人单位: 领导签字,公司公章: 联系电话: 日本签证工作证明 篇15国家机关出具中文版正文、英文版附件模板 (注:政府机关出具公函,用本单位专用信笺打印,并加盖公章。红色部分是需要申请人根据自身具体情况修改的地方。) XX省教育厅用笺 在职及收入证明 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国驻华大使馆(驻上海领事馆): 兹证明张三(个人护照号G88888888)为我厅公务员,自1993年7月起任职至今,工作表现良好;现职法规处副处长,月收入(税后)人民币伍仟伍佰圆(CNY 5,500)。 张三申请于20xx年10月1日至10月7日自费赴贵国旅游度假,并保证在贵国期间遵守当地法律法规,度假结束后按期返回。我厅已予准假,并为其保留职位及薪金。请贵方协助办理有关签证手续。 如有问题,请联系我厅人事处,电话+86 (10) 8678-5588转1234。 此致 XX省教育厅 人事处(公章) 二〇xx年五月二十八日 (注:政府机关证明函英文部分另外用空白A4纸打印,不要盖章,附在中文证明信后。红色部分是申请者根据自身具体情况,对应中文版本应该修改的地方。) Division of Personnel DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OF PROVINCE, P. R. CHINA 28th May 20xx EMBASSY大使馆 / CONSULATE领事馆 of THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND To whom it may concern Dear Sir or Madam: We hereby confirm that Mr. Zhang San, the visa applicant, whose national passport number is G88888888, has been working for the Department of Education of Province (abbreviated to XPDE hereinafter) as a civil servant for fifteen years since July 1993 and has heretofore kept a good record of performance. The current title of Mr. Zhang is Vice-Director of Division of Legal Affairs, XPDE and his current salary (after-tax) is five thousand and five hundred Renminbi yuan (CNY 5,500) per month. Mr. Zhang applied for a leave of 7 days from 1st to 7th October 20xx for his vacation that he planned to spend in your country at his own expense. He assures to comply with UK laws when in your country and return to his position when the vacation is over. We have approved his application and made sure that we will reserve his position and salary during his leave. Please kindly afford him any appropriate assistance concerning visa affairs in case of need. If any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Division of Personnel, XPDE at +86 (10) 8678-5588 ext. 1234. Sincerely, Division of Personnel Department of Education of Province (Sealed) 日本签证工作证明 篇16This is to certify that... is my company employees, in the department of _____ _____ position, visa sample proof of earnings. So far, the total income of the year is about __________ yuan. Hereby certify. This certificate is only used to prove the work of our employees and the salary of our company, not as a guarantee document for any situation of the employee in our company. Chapter cover: Date: 日本签证工作证明 篇17兹有______同志,男(女),系______省(自治区、直辖市)______县(市、区)______乡(镇、街道)______村(社区)居民,身份证号码:____________。 该同志因__________________待业在家,起止时间为: 年 月至 年 月。 特此证明。 村(居)委会 (章) 年 月 日 |
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