标题 | 怎样写英文借据和收据 |
范文 | 怎样写英文借据和收据(精选5篇) 怎样写英文借据和收据 篇1Received from Mr. Jerome Kern the sum of EIGHT HUNDRED YUAN Only (Renminbi) on July 2nd, 20__, being the rent for the month of June 20__ for the premises occupied by him at 127 Qingzhu Road, Shenzhen. Liu Ming 兹收到杰罗姆.科恩先生20__ 年7 月2 日交纳的捌佰元整(人民币)。该款项是其为居 住在深圳青竹路127 号所交纳的20__ 年7 月份租金 刘明 Receipt Due Bill 怎样写英文借据和收据 篇2Bought from______ gallery: 1 Oil Painting U.S. $ 1500.00 1 Frame for the above U.S.$ 200.00 Total: U.S.$ 1700.00 ___ 先生: 您从____画廊购得: 油画一幅价值:1500.00 美元 画框一副价值:200.00 美元 共计:1700.00 美元 怎样写英文借据和收据 篇3收到物品 June. 8, 20__ Received from Mr. Handel the following things: One typewriter One tape-recorder Bruce 20__年6月8日 兹收到汉德尔先生下述物件:打字机壹台录音机壹台 布鲁斯 怎样写英文借据和收据 篇4借款。 To Mr. Charles Green, May. 18, 20__ I. O. U. three thousand US dollars ($3000) only, within one year from this date with annual interest at four percent (4%). David Smith 兹借查尔斯•格林先生叁仟美元(U.S. $3000),年息四厘,自即日算起,一年内归还。 借款人戴维•史密斯20__年5月18日 怎样写英文借据和收据 篇5SUBSCRIPTION form (Write in Block Letters Please) Please enter my subscription to "The Times" for one year beginning with the January issue of 20__. Name: Niles Palmer Address: 421 Swan Boulevard, Detroit, Michigan, the United States of America Enclosed please find a postal money order in the amount of 7.60 dollars. Receipt |
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