

词汇 name
🔑namename1 /neɪm /


  1. [countable] a word or words by which a person, an animal, a place, or a thing is known名字;名称What's your name?你叫什么名字?Do you know the name of this flower?你知道这种花叫什么吗?Does this kind of sauce have a name?这种调味汁有名称吗?
➨ WORD BUILDING 词汇扩充Your first name (or given name) is the name your parents choose for you when you are born. * first name 或 given name 是父母在孩子出生后为孩子起的名字。Most people in the United States and Canada also have a middle name that is also chosen by their parents, but they may not use it very often. Some people use their middle initial on forms, documents, etc.在美国和加拿大,多数人还有 middle name (中名),也是父母起的,但可能不常使用。有些人在表格、文件等署名时会写上 middle initial (中名的首字母)Steven N. Palmer史蒂文 · N. 帕尔默Last name is the expression usually used for your family name which you are born with. When a woman gets married, she may change her last name to be the same as her husband's. Her last name before marriage is then called her maiden name. * last name 通常指姓。女人婚后可能会从夫姓,婚前的姓则称为 maiden name (娘家姓)。
  1. [singular] an opinion that people have of a person or thing; reputation名声;名气That area of Miami has a pretty bad name.迈阿密的那个地区臭名昭著。The company needs to build up a good name for itself.公司需要为自己树立好名声。
  1. [countable] a famous person名人All the big names in show business were invited to the party.娱乐圈的大明星全都获邀参加这个聚会。
by nameusing the name of someone or something用名字;凭名字It's a big school, but the principal knows all the students by name.学校很大,但校长能叫出所有学生的名字。call sb namesto use insulting words about someone辱骂;谩骂in the name of sthused to give a reason or excuse for doing something以…的名义;打着…的旗号;以…为借口They acted in the name of democracy.他们以民主的名义进行活动。in the name of sbrepresenting a certain group of people以某群体的名义;代表某群体Could you write a letter in the name of our class at school?你代表我们上学时的全班同学写封信好吗?make a name for yourselfmake your nameto become well known and respected出名;成名an actor who made his name in comedies演喜剧成名的男演员the name of the gamethe most important thing in a particular activity, business, etc.事情的关键;最重要的方面Staying ahead of our competitors is the name of the game here.现在最关键的是要一直领先于我们的竞争者。

🔑namename2 /neɪm /


  1. name sb / sth (after / for sb) to give someone or something a name给…起名字;给…命名What are you going to name your baby?你要给孩子取个什么名字?The boy was named for his grandfather Harold.那男孩以他祖父哈罗德的名字命名。Washington, D.C. was named after George Washington.华盛顿特区是以乔治 · 华盛顿的名字命名的。
  1. to say what the name of someone or something is说出…的名字;透露…的名称The journalist refused to name the person who had given her the information.那记者拒绝透露向她提供消息的人的名字。Can you name all the planets in order?你能依次说出所有行星的名称吗?
  1. to state a date, price, etc.说明,说定(日期、价格等)Have Alex and Julie named a date for their wedding?亚历克斯和朱莉确定婚礼日期了吗?




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