

词汇 love
🔑lovelove1 /lʌv /


  1. [uncountable] a very strong feeling of affection for someone or something爱;热爱It was love at first sight.那属于一见钟情。I don't think she's marrying him for love!我认为她嫁给他不是为了爱!his love for his country他对祖国的爱 OPP hate
  1. [uncountable, singular] a strong feeling of interest in or enjoyment of something(对某事的)酷爱,喜欢,爱好a love of adventure爱好冒险
someone or something you like喜欢的人或事物
  1. [countable] a person, a thing, or an activity that you like very much所爱的人(或事物、活动)Take care, my love.当心,亲爱的。
in tennis网球
  1. [uncountable] (sport体育) a score of zero in the game of tennis零分“15-love, called the umpire.“ 15 比 0。”裁判喊道。
for ending letter信的结尾
  1. [uncountable] (informal) a way of ending a letter to a friend or a member of your family(给朋友或家人写信的结尾方式)爱你Lots of love from us all, Denise我们都非常爱你,丹尼丝
be in love (with sb)to have a strong feeling of affection and attraction for someone(与某人)相爱,恋爱They're very much in love (with each other).他们(彼此)十分相爱。fall in love (with sb)to start to feel a strong affection and attraction for someone爱上(某人);(与某人)开始恋爱They fell in love and were married within two months.他们恋爱了,不到两个月就结了婚。make love (to sb)to have sex(和某人)做爱

🔑lovelove2 /lʌv /


  1. to have a strong feeling of affection for someone or something爱;热爱“Do you love him? “Yes, very much.“你爱他吗?”“是的,非常爱。”It's wonderful to be loved.被爱真是太美好了。
  1. to like very much or to enjoy酷爱;喜欢I love summertime!我喜欢夏天!My father loves to listen / listening to music.我父亲喜欢听音乐。“Would you like to come? “I'd love to.“你想来吗?”“很想啊。”The cat just loves it when you stroke her chin.你抚摸猫的下巴它就很享受。
OPP hate➨ THESAURUS 同义词辨析likelove ◇ be fond of ◇ be crazy about sth ◇ adoreThese words all mean to find something pleasant, attractive, or satisfactory, or to enjoy something.以上词均表示喜欢、喜爱。liketo find something pleasant, attractive, or satisfactory; to enjoy something喜欢;喜爱Do you like their new house?你喜欢他们的新房子吗?Which shirt do you like the best?你最喜欢哪件衬衫?I like to see them enjoying themselves.我就愿意看着他们玩得高兴。He didn't like it when I shouted at him.他不喜欢我对他大声嚷嚷。loveto like or enjoy something very much非常喜欢;喜爱I love this place.我很喜欢这个地方。My dad loves going to baseball games.我爸爸喜欢去看棒球赛。He loved the way she smiled.他喜欢她微笑的样子。I love it when you bring me presents!你给我带来礼物我很开心!be fond of sth(somewhat formal) to like or enjoy something, especially something you have liked or enjoyed for a long time喜爱,喜欢(尤指长期喜爱的事物)We were fond of the house and didn't want to leave.我们喜欢上了这座房子,不想搬走。be crazy about sth(informal) to like or enjoy something喜欢;酷爱Rick is crazy about football.里克酷爱足球。She's not crazy about being told what to do.她不喜欢别人对她发号施令。adore(informal) to like or enjoy something very much非常喜欢;热爱He adores working with children.他热爱参与儿童工作。PATTERNS 句型to like / love / be fond of / be crazy about / adore doing sthto like / love to do sthto like / love sth very muchI like / love / adore it here / there / when…to like / love / adore the way sb does sthto really like / love / adore sb / sthto be really fond of / crazy about sth




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