

词汇 pin
pinPIN /pɪn / ( ˈPIN number)


[countable, usually singular]
a number given to you by your bank so that you can use a plastic card to get money from a cash machine (an ATM). PIN is short for “personal identification number.(银行卡的)密码,个人识别号码(全写为 personal identification number)

🔑pinpin1 /pɪn /


for fastening用于固定
  1. a short, thin piece of stiff wire with a sharp point at one end and a round head at the other, used especially for fastening together pieces of cloth when sewing大头针  look at safety pin, bobby pin
  1. a piece of jewelry with a pin on the back of it, that can be fastened to your clothes胸针;饰针
  1. a small piece of metal with a design or words on it that is fastened with a pin at the back(背面有别针的)徽章He supports the group and wears its pin on his jacket.他支持这个团体,并把该团体的徽章佩戴在夹克上。
in games游戏
  1. a wooden or plastic object that is shaped like a bottle, and that you try to knock down in games such as bowling(保龄球等的)木瓶,瓶柱
  1. a piece of metal used to support a bone in your body when it has been broken(接骨用的)钢钉

🔑pinpin2 /pɪn /


[transitive] (pin·ning, pinned)
  1. to attach something onto another thing or fasten things together with a pin, etc.(用大头针等)把…别住,钉住,固定to pin a notice on the bulletin board把通知钉在布告板上The dress is just pinned together. I haven't sewn it yet.那条连衣裙只是别在了一起,我还没有缝。
  1. to make someone unable to move by holding them or pressing them against something按住;钳住;使不能动弹The police officer held him with his arms pinned to his sides.警察抓住了他,把他的双臂摁在他的腰间。
pin (all) your hopes on sb / sthto rely on someone or something completely for success or help把(所有)希望寄托在…上;(完全)指望All our hopes are pinned on her.我们的一切希望都寄托在她身上了。 pin sb / sth against / under sthto keep someone or something in one position so that it is impossible to move把…困住(在某位置);使无法动弹He was pinned under the fallen tree.他被卡在倒了的树下。to be pinned against a wall被摁着贴在墙上pin sb down
  1. to cause someone to be unable to move按住;使动弹不得
  1. to make someone decide something or say exactly what he / she is going to do迫使决定;使明确表态;使确切说明意向Can you pin her down and find out what time she will be coming?你能让她明确表态并搞清楚她什么时间来吗?
pin sth downto describe or explain exactly what something is准确地描述(或解释)




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