

词汇 scientific
🔑scientificsci·en·tif·ic /ˌsaɪənˈtɪfɪk /


(general science科学)
  1. connected with or involving science科学的;关于科学的We need more funding for scientific research.我们需要更多的科研资金。
  1. (used about a way of thinking or doing something) careful and logical(思维或行事)科学的,细致严谨的,有逻辑的a scientific study of the way people use language对人们如何使用语言的科学研究
sci·en·tif·i·cal·ly /ˌsaɪənˈtɪfɪkli /


It will be hard to prove the idea scientifically (= using the methods of science).使用科学方法证明这一观点将会很困难。
➨ TOPIC COLLOCATIONS 主题词搭配Scientific Research科学研究hypothesis假说formulate / advance a theory / hypothesisexplore an idea / a concept / a hypothesismake a prediction / an inferencebase a prediction / your calculations on somethinginvestigate / evaluate / accept / challenge / reject a theory / hypothesis / modelexperiment实验do a study / research / an experiment / an analysis / a test / a trial runmake observations / measurements / calculationscarry out / conduct / perform / run an experiment / a test / a trial runrepeat an experiment / a test / an analysisobserve / study / examine / investigate / assess a pattern / a process / a behaviorresults结果collect / gather dataanalyze / examine the data / soil samples / a specimenconfirm / support / verify / contradict a prediction / a hypothesis / the results / the findingsprove / disprove a hypothesisdraw / make / reach (the same) conclusions




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