

词汇 over
🔑overo·ver1 /ˈoʊvər /




  1. directly above something, but not touching在正上方,在…的正上方(但不接触)There's a painting over the bookcase.书架上方挂着一幅画。We watched the plane fly over.我们看着飞机从头顶上方飞过。 OPP under
  1. on, and partly or completely covering or touching覆盖;盖住There's a cover over the chair.椅子上套着罩子。She hung her coat over the back of the chair.她将外套挂在椅背上。
  1. down or sideways from a vertical position(从直立位置)倒下,落下,侧向He leaned over to speak to the woman next to him.他侧过身和旁边的女士说话。I knocked my glass over during supper.我吃晚饭的时候把玻璃杯打翻了。
  1. across to the other side of something穿越;跨过The dog is jumping over the fence.狗正要跳过栅栏。a bridge over the river跨河桥
  1. on or to the other side在(或到)另一侧;在(或到)…的另一侧;翻转a town just over the border边境对过的镇子Turn the record over.把唱片翻过来。
  1. used for expressing distance(表示距离)He's over in Japan right now.他目前在日本那边。Sit down over there.在那儿坐下吧。
  1. above or more than a number, price, etc.(数字、价格等)超过,多于She lived in Juno for over ten years.她在朱诺住了超过十年。suitable for children ages 10 and over适合 10 岁及以上的孩子 OPP under
  1. (used with all 与 all 连用) in every part or place到处;遍及There was blood all over the place.到处都是血。I can't find my glasses. I've looked all over for them.我找不到我的眼镜。我已经找遍所有地方了。
  1. used for saying that something is repeated(表示重复)You'll have to start all over again (= from the beginning).你得从头再来。She kept saying the same thing over and over again.她不停地念叨同一件事。
  1. about; on the subject of关于;有关We had an argument over money.我们因为钱吵了一架。
  1. during在…期间What did you do over the weekend?你周末做什么了?
left overremaining; extra剩余;多余After I pay my bills each month, I hardly have any money left over.每个月付清各种账单后,我的钱所剩无几。over the counter (health医疗保健) (used about medicine) that can be bought in a store without a prescription (= written permission from a doctor to buy a medicine) or special license(药)非处方的,不用处方的cough syrup that is available over the counter不用处方就可以买到的止咳糖浆over-the-counter medications非处方药 HELP For the special uses of over in phrasal verbs, look at the entries for the verbs. For example, get over something is in the phrasal verb section at get. * over 在短语动词中的特殊用法见有关动词词条,如 get over something 在词条 get 的短语动词部分。

overo·ver2 /ˈoʊvər /


(not before a noun不用于名词前) finished结束;完毕Summer vacation will be over soon.暑假很快就要结束了。over (and done) with (informal) (used about a bad situation, etc.) finished(不好的状况等)结束“Are you ready to start the test? “OK, let's get it over with.“你准备好开始考试了吗?”“好吧,咱们尽快把它了结了。”I'm glad that's over and done with!我很高兴事情总算了结了!over easy(used about eggs) fried on one side, then turned over and fried for a short time on the other side(蛋)两面煎而蛋黄半熟的I'll have two eggs over easy and a cup of coffee, please.请给我来两个嫩煎蛋和一杯咖啡。




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