

词汇 irate
iratei·rate /aɪˈreɪt /


very angry暴怒的;大发雷霆的➨ THESAURUS 同义词辨析angrymad ◇ furious ◇ upset ◇ indignant ◇ irateThese words all describe people feeling and / or showing anger.以上词均表示发怒的、生气的。angryfeeling or showing anger愤怒的;生气的Please don't be angry with / at me.请别生我的气。Thousands of angry demonstrators filled the square.广场上挤满了成千上万愤怒的示威者。She's angry about the way she was treated.她对自己受到的待遇感到气愤。I was angry with him for breaking my phone.他把我电话弄坏了,我很生气。mad(informal) very angry恼火的He got mad and walked out.他勃然大怒,一走了之。She's mad at me for being late.她对我迟到十分恼火。ⓘ This word cannot come before a noun with this meaning. * mad 表达此义时不用于名词前。furiousextremely angry狂怒的He was furious with her for ruining the party.她把聚会给毁了,他怒不可遏。He was furious at her behavior.他对她的所作所为极为愤怒。I had a furious argument with my mother last night.昨晚,我和母亲发生了激烈的争论。upsetangry, unhappy, or disappointed because of something unpleasant that has happened生气的;不快的;失望的I was quite upset with him for being late.他迟到了,这让我很恼火。There's no point getting upset about it.为这事烦恼毫无意义。She was upset that he had left without saying goodbye.他不告而别,她为此感到不快。indignantfeeling or showing anger and surprise because you think that you or someone else has been treated unfairly愤慨的;义愤的She was very indignant at the way she had been treated.她对自己受到的待遇感到愤慨。The student was indignant that he had been given such a low grade.那名学生对自己得到这么低的分数感到愤愤不平。iratevery angry极其愤怒的;暴怒的irate customers / readers / viewers怒气冲冲的顾客/读者/观众an irate letter / e-mail言辞激愤的信件/电子邮件ⓘ This word is usually followed by a noun. * irate 通常后接名词。PATTERNS 句型angry / mad / furious / upset / indignant about / at sthangry / furious / upset with sb (for doing sth)angry / mad / furious / upset / indignant thatto get angry / mad / furious / upsetto make sb angry / mad / furious




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