

词汇 move
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change position改变位置
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to change position or to put something in a different position移动;挪动;使改变位置Don't move there's a bee on your arm.别动,你胳膊上有只蜜蜂。Please move your car. It's blocking the driveway.请挪一下你的车,它堵在车道上。They are moving the patient to another hospital.他们打算让病人转院。
  1. [intransitive, transitive] move (sth) down, over, up, etc. to move (something) farther in a particular direction in order to make space for someone or something else(为腾出地方)移动,挪动Move over so I can sit down!往那边挪一下,让我坐下!Could you please move down a seat?你往下挪一个位子好吗?
change house / job搬家;换工作
  1. [intransitive] to change the place where you live, work, study, etc.搬家;搬迁;改换(工作、学校等)Our neighbors have sold their house and are moving next week.我们的邻居把房子卖了,下星期要搬走。
make progress取得进展
  1. [intransitive] to make progress进步;进展;推进When the new team of construction workers arrived things started moving very quickly.新建筑队来了之后工程进展很快。
cause strong feelings使感动
  1. [transitive] to cause someone to have strong feelings, especially of sadness使感动,打动(尤使感到悲伤)The reports about the starving children moved many people to tears.有关挨饿儿童的报道让许多人潸然泪下。
take action采取行动
  1. [intransitive] to take action采取行动Unless we move quickly, lives will be lost.我们不立即采取行动,就要有人丧生了。
in board games棋类游戏
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to change the position of a piece in a game such as chess走(棋);移动(棋子)It's your turn to move.该你走棋了。
get movingto go, leave, or do something quickly快走;迅速离开;马上行动get sth movingto cause something to make progress推动;促进 move awayto go to live in a different area搬走;迁走Jeff was very sad when his best friend moved away.最好的朋友搬走时,杰夫很难过。move into start living in a new house搬进新居move on (to sth)to start doing or discussing something new开始做(另一件事);转换到(新话题)I've been in this job long enough it's time I moved on.这工作我干得够久了,该干点别的了。Can we move on to the next item on the agenda?我们转入下一项议程好吗?move outto leave your old home搬出去;迁出

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change of position位置变换
  1. a change of place or position移动;挪动She sat and watched every move I made.她坐着观察我的一举一动。One false move and I'll shoot!乱动一下我就开枪!
change of house / job搬家;换工作
  1. a change in the place where you live or work搬家;搬迁;换工作a move to a bigger house搬到更大的房子里I've been in the same job for six years and think it's time for a move.同样的工作我干了六年,觉得该是换换工作的时候了。
  1. action that you take because you want to achieve a particular result行动;措施Moves are being made to secure the release of the hostages.正采取措施以确保释放人质。Both sides want to negotiate, but neither is prepared to make the first move.双方都想谈判,但谁都不愿意迈出第一步。Asking him to help me was a good move.让他帮我算是做对了。
in board games棋类游戏
  1. a change in the position of a piece in a game such as chess(国际象棋等的)走子,一步,一着It's Lori's move.该洛丽走棋了。
get a move on (informal) to hurry赶快;赶紧;抓紧I'm late. I'll have to get a move on.我迟到了,得赶紧了。on the move
  1. traveling from place to place(经常)变换地点With this job, I'm constantly on the move.做这份工作,我要经常奔波。
  1. moving; going somewhere在移动中;在行进中The car was already on the move.汽车已经开动了。




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