

词汇 outside
🔑outsideout·side1 /ˈaʊtsaɪd ; ˌaʊtˈsaɪd /


  1. [countable, usually singular] the outer side or surface of something外边;外表;外部There is a list of all the ingredients on the outside of the package.包装袋的外边印有配料表。to paint the outside of a house粉刷房子的外墙 OPP inside
  1. [singular] the outside the area that is near or around a building, etc.(建筑物等的)周围,外围We've only seen the church from the outside.我们只从外面看了看这座教堂。

🔑outsideout·side2 /ˈaʊtsaɪd /


  1. of or on the outer side or surface of something外边的;外表的;外部的the outside walls of a building建筑物的外墙
  1. not connected with or belonging to a particular group or organization(群体或组织)外部的,外界的,局外的We can't do all the work by ourselves. We'll need outside help.我们靠自己无法做完全部工作,我们需要外援。She spends so much time studying that she has no time for outside interests.她把大量的时间用于学习,没时间搞业余爱好。
  1. (used about a chance, possibility, etc.) very small(机会、可能性等)极小的
the outside worldpeople, places, activities, etc. that are beyond the area where you live and your daily experience外面的世界

🔑outsideout·side3 /ˌaʊtˈsaɪd ; ˈaʊtsaɪd /




  1. in, at, or to a place that is not in a room or a building在…外面;向…外面;户外Leave your muddy boots outside the door.把你沾满泥巴的靴子脱下放在门外。Please wait outside for a few minutes.请在外面等几分钟。Let's eat outside. The weather is just perfect.咱们到室外吃吧,天气真是好极了。
  1. ( outside of) not in不在…里面;在…以外You can do whatever you want outside of office hours.上班以外的时间你想干什么就干什么。a suburb just outside Miami紧挨着迈阿密的郊区
  1. outside of (informal) except; other than除了I don't know what else we can do, outside of starting all over again.除了从头再来一遍,我不知道我们还能做什么。




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