

词汇 rain
🔑rainrain1 /reɪn /


  1. [uncountable] the water that falls from the sky雨;雨水Seattle gets a lot of rain.西雅图多雨。Take your umbrella it looks like rain.拿上雨伞吧,好像要下雨。Half an inch of rain fell on the city yesterday.该市昨天降雨量为半英寸。➨ TOPIC COLLOCATIONS 主题词搭配The Weather天气good weather好天气the sun shines / warms somethingthe clouds drift / part / cleara gentle / light / stiff / cool / warm / sea breeze blows (in)/comes inthe snow crunches beneath / under someone's feet / bootsbad weather坏天气be covered in / shrouded in mist / a blanket of fogsnow falls / comes down / covers somethingthe rain falls / comes down / pours down / lets up / stopsthe wind blows / whistles / sweeps across something / dies downforecast / expect / predict rain / snow / a hurricane / a stormstorms暴风雨thick / dark / storm clouds form / gather / roll in / cover the sky / block out the sunstrong winds blow / howl / whip through something / gust (up to 80 mph)a storm / blizzard approaches / moves inland / hits / strikes / buries something in snow / passesthunder rumbles / booms / echoes (nearby / in the distance)lightning flashes / hits / strikesa tornado hits / strikes / destroys something / tears something off
  1. [countable] an occasion when rain falls下雨Everything smells fresh after a good rain.一场大雨过后,一切闻起来都很清新。recent heavy rains最近的几场大雨
  1. the rains [plural](in tropical countries) the time of the year when there is a lot of rain(热带国家的)雨季When the rains come in July, the people move their houses to higher ground.七月雨季来临时,人们就把家搬到更高的地方。

🔑rainrain2 /reɪn /


(used with it 与 it 连用) to fall as rain下雨Oh no! It's raining again!糟糕!又下雨了!Is it raining hard?雨下得大吗?We'll go out when it stops raining.雨停了我们就出去。 rain (sth) out (usually passive通常用被动语态) to stop something from happening because it is raining因雨取消(或停止)I'm sorry, but the picnic has been rained out.很遗憾,野餐因雨取消了。




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