

词汇 wash
🔑washwash1 /wɑʃ ; wɔʃ /


  1. [intransitive, transitive] to clean someone or something / yourself with water and often soap洗;洗涤You'll have to wash this blouse by hand.这件女式衬衣你得用手洗。Go wash your hands before dinner.饭前去洗洗手。I'll wash, you dry (= the dishes).我来洗碗碟,你来擦干。➨ WHICH WORD?词语辨析Clean is a general word for removing dirt from something. * clean 泛指清除某物上的污垢。If you wash something, you clean it with water and often soap. * wash 指用水清洁某物,一般用肥皂洗。You can wipe a surface by rubbing it with a wet cloth; you dust a surface by rubbing it with a dry cloth. * wipe 表示用湿布擦拭物体表面,dust 指用干布掸去灰尘。If you brush something, you clean it with a brush that has a short handle; if you sweep the floor, you use a broom with a long handle. * brush 指用短柄刷清洁,sweep 指用长柄的扫帚扫地。
  1. [intransitive](used about water) to flow in the direction mentioned(水)流向,冲向I let the waves wash over my feet.我任由波浪流过我的脚面。
  1. [transitive] to carry something by the movement of water(水流)冲走The tide washed the ball out to sea.潮水把球冲到海里去了。
  1. [intransitive] to be able to be washed without being damaged耐洗Does this material wash well, or does the color come out?这料子耐洗吗,会掉色吗?
wash your hands of sb / sthto refuse to be responsible for someone or something any longer与…脱离关系;拒绝对…负责任 wash sb / sth away(used about water) to carry someone or something away(水)冲走The floods had washed the path away.洪水把小路冲毁了。wash (sth) offto (make something) disappear from something by washing(使)洗掉,洗净Go and wash that makeup off!去把化的妆洗掉!wash outto be removed from a material by washing(从材料上)洗掉These grease marks won't wash out.这些油渍洗不掉。wash upto wash your face and hands洗脸洗手Go and wash up and put on some clean clothes.去洗一洗,换上干净的衣服。wash sth up (often passive常用被动语态) (used about water) to carry something to land and leave it there(水)将…冲上岸Police found the girl's body washed up on the beach.警方发现了被冲上海滩的女孩尸体。

washwash2 /wɑʃ ; wɔʃ /


  1. [uncountable] clothes that need to be washed or are being washed要洗的衣服;正在洗的衣服“Where's my red T-shirt? “It's in the wash.“我的红色 T 恤衫哪去了?”“正在洗呢。”Please put the wash in the dryer.请把洗的衣服放进烘干机。
  1. [countable, usually singular] an act of cleaning or being cleaned with water洗;清洗;洗涤The car needs a good wash this weekend.这辆车周末得好好洗一下。
do the washto wash clothes洗衣服You should learn to do your own wash before you go to college.在上大学前你得学会自己洗衣服。




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