

词汇 separate
🔑separatesep·a·rate1 /ˈsɛprət /


  1. separate (from sth / sb) apart; not joined or together分开的;单独的You should always keep your cash and credit cards separate.你应当总是把现金和信用卡分开存放。
  1. different; not connected不同的;不相连的;不相关的A lot of married couples have separate bank accounts.很多已婚夫妇都有各自的银行账户。In a separate incident, a man was shot in a nightclub last night.在另一起事件中,一男子昨晚在夜总会遭到枪击。
sep·a·rate·ly 🔑


Accessories are sold separately.配件单独销售。

🔑separatesep·a·rate2 /ˈsɛpəreɪt /


  1. [intransitive, transitive] separate (sb / sth) (from sb / sth) to stop being together; to cause people or things to stop being together; to divide people or things(使)分开,分离I think we should separate into two groups.我认为我们应该分为两组。I got separated from my friends in the crowd.在人群中我和朋友们走散了。Separate the egg white from the yolk.把蛋清和蛋黄分开。
  1. [transitive] separate sb / sth (from sb / sth) to keep people or things apart, or to be between people or things with the result that they are apart隔开;隔离;阻隔I always try to separate business from pleasure.我总是尽量把工作和娱乐分开来。When the players started fighting, the referee moved in to separate them.运动员打起来时,裁判过来把他们分开。The two sides of the city are separated by the river.河流把这座城市一分为二。
  1. [intransitive](used about a married couple, etc.) to stop living together(已婚夫妇等)分居His parents separated when he was still a baby.他还在襁褓中的时候父母就分居了。




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