

词汇 least
🔑leastleast1 /list /




(used as the superlative of little 用作 little 的最高级) smallest in size, amount, extent, etc.最小的;最少的;程度最轻的He has the least experience of all of us.他在我们所有人当中经验最浅。Sherrie did the most work and John did the least.谢里干了大部分活,而约翰干得最少。 OPP most

🔑leastleast2 /list /


to the smallest extent or degree; less than anyone / anything else最低程度;最少;最小He's the person who needs help least.他是最不需要帮助的人。I bought the least expensive tickets.我买的是最便宜的票。 OPP mostat least
  1. not less than, and probably more至少;最少It'll cost at least $200.这至少得花 200 美元。
  1. even if other things are wrong(表示让步)起码,无论如何,反正It may not be beautiful but at least it's cheap.它可能不漂亮,但起码便宜。
  1. used for correcting something that you have just said(表示纠正前面的话)至少I saw him or at least I think I saw him.我看见他了,或者至少我认为我看见他了。
  1. used for saying that something is the minimum you expect someone to do至少;总该;怎么也得You could at least say you're sorry!你至少也该说声对不起!
last but not least(used before the final item in a list) just as important as all the other items(用于列举最后一项)最后但同样重要的And last but not least, I'd like to thank you all very much.最后但同样重要的是,我非常感谢你们所有的人。least of allespecially not尤其不No one should be worried, least of all you.谁都不必担心,尤其是你。not in the least (formal) not at all根本不;一点也不It doesn't matter in the least.这根本没有关系。to say the leastused to say that you are describing a situation in a very mild way至少可以说;少说也是Mom was pretty upset, to say the least (= she was really very angry).毫不夸张地说,妈妈非常生气。




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