

词汇 sure
🔑suresure1 /ʃʊr /


  1. (not before a noun不用于名词前) having no doubt about something; certain确信;肯定;有把握I'm not sure what to do next.我拿不准下一步要做什么。Craig was sure that he'd made the right decision.克雷格确信自己做出的决定是正确的。I think I had my bag when I got off the bus, but I'm not sure.我觉得我下公共汽车时还拿着包,但我不太肯定。 OPP unsure
  1. (not before a noun不用于名词前) sure of sth certain to get something一定,必定,无疑(会得到)If you go and see them, you can be sure of a warm welcome.如果你去看他们,一定会受到热烈的欢迎。
  1. sure to do sth (not before a noun不用于名词前) certain to happen or do something一定,肯定,无疑(会发生或做某事)If you study hard, you are sure to get a good grade.如果你努力学习,就一定会取得好成绩。
  1. that you can trust不容置疑的;确切的A noise like that is a sure sign of engine trouble.那样的噪声是引擎出问题的确切迹象。
be sure and / to do sthDon't forget to do something不要忘记做某事;一定要做某事Be sure to write and tell me what happens.一定要写信告诉我发生了什么。Be sure and take your keys.不要忘记带钥匙。for surewithout doubt无疑;肯定No one knows for sure what happened.谁也说不准发生了什么。make sure
  1. to find out whether something is in a certain state or has been done查明;核实;弄清I'll go back and make sure I closed the window.我要回去看看窗户是否关上了。
  1. to take the action that is necessary to make something happen(采取必要行动)确保,保证Make sure you are back home by 11 o'clock.一定要在 11 点前回到家。
sure of yourselfconfident about your opinions, or about what you can do自信;有把握

🔑suresure2 /ʃʊr /


  1. (used as an answer to a question) yes; of course(用作问题的回答)可以,当然“Can I borrow this book? “Sure.“我能借这本书吗?”“没问题。”
  1. without doubt; definitely毫无疑问;确实It sure is hot today.今天可真热。“Do you like ice cream? “I sure do!“你喜欢吃冰激凌吗?”“我当然喜欢!”
sure enoughas you / someone had expected果然;果真I expected him to be early, and sure enough, he arrived five minutes before the others.我预计他会早到,果然他比其他人早到五分钟。




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