

词汇 depend
🔑dependde·pend /dɪˈpɛnd /


that dependsit (all) depends (used alone or at the beginning of a sentence单独使用,或用于句子开头) used to say that you are not certain of something until other things have been considered那得看情况;取决于“Can you loan me some money? “That depends. How much do you want?“你能借点钱给我吗?”“那要看情况。你要多少?”I don't know whether I'll see him. It depends what time he gets here.我不知道会不会见到他,得看他什么时间到这里。 depend on sb / sthto be sure that someone or something will help you; to trust someone or something to do something依靠;依赖;指望If you ever need any help, you know you can depend on me.什么时候你需要帮助,你都可以找我。You can't depend on the buses. They're always late.公共汽车没个准儿,总是延误。 SYN rely on sb / sthdepend on sb / sth (for sth)to need someone or something to provide something依赖,依靠(提供某物)I depend on my parents for advice.我靠父母出主意。Our organization depends on donations from the public.我们这个机构靠的是公众的捐助。 SYN rely on sb / sthdepend on sthto be decided or influenced by something取决于;由…决定His whole future depends on these exams.他的前途全看这些考试了。The starting salary will be between $40,000 and $50,000, depending on education and experience.起步工资在 4 万到 5 万美元之间,视乎学历和工作经验而定。




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