

词汇 get
🔑getget /ɡɛt /


(present participle get·ting, past tense got /ɡɑt / , past participle except in sense 2义项 2 除外 got·ten /ˈɡɑtn /)
receive / obtain收到;得到
  1. [transitive] to receive, obtain, or buy something收到;得到;买到I got a letter from my sister.我收到了妹妹的信。He went shopping and got a suit.他去购物,买了套西服。She got a job in a bank.她在银行找到了一份工作。I'll do it if I get the time.如果有时间,我会做这事的。Nina gets $20 an hour for working in her family's business.尼娜在自家企业工作,每小时能挣 20 美元。
  1. [transitive] have got to have something“Does your brother have brown hair? “No, he's got blond hair.“你弟弟的头发是棕色的吗?”“不是,他的头发是金色的。”I've got a headache.我头疼。
  1. [transitive] to go to a place and bring someone or something back去取;拿来;去接Go (and) get me a pen.去给我拿支笔来。I'll get the kids from school today.今天我要去学校接孩子们。
state / condition状态;情况
  1. [intransitive] to become; to reach, or make someone or something reach, a particular state or condition变得;(使)达到(某种状态或情况)It's getting dark.天色渐暗。to get angry / bored / fat / hungry发怒;感到厌烦;发胖;饿了to get dressed 穿上衣服When did you get married?你什么时候结婚的?to get pregnant怀孕Just give me five minutes to get ready.给我五分钟准备一下就行。He got into trouble with the police.他犯了事,落入了警察手里。She got bitten by a dog.她被狗咬了。
  1. [transitive] to catch or have a disease, a pain, etc.感染;得上;患上;遭受…之苦You can get cancer from smoking.抽烟会导致癌症。I think I'm getting a cold.我觉得要感冒了。
  1. [intransitive] to arrive at or reach a place到达;抵达We got to San Diego at about 10.我们大约 10 点钟到达圣迭戈。What time do you usually get home?你一般什么时间到家?Can you tell me how to get to the hospital?你能告诉我去医院怎么走吗?
move / travel移动;旅行
  1. [intransitive] to move to or go somewhere; to move or put something somewhere去;到;移动;放置I can't swim, so I couldn't get across the river.我不会游泳,所以无法过河。How did you get the piano upstairs?你是如何将钢琴抬到楼上的?
  1. [transitive] to use a form of transportation乘坐;搭乘I didn't walk I got a taxi.我没走路,坐出租车了。  look at get in / into sth, get on / onto sth
make / persuade致使;说服
  1. [transitive] get sb / sth to do sth to make or persuade someone or something to do something使,让(某人或某物做某事);说服(某人做某事)I got him to agree to the plan.我说服他同意了这个计划。I can't get the TV to work.我无法让这台电视机正常播放。
get sth done使完成
  1. [transitive] get sth done to cause something to be done or to happen使完成;使发生Will you get all the work done in time?你能把所有的活儿都按时做完吗?to get your car repaired / serviced / washed把车送去维修/做保养/清洗
  1. [transitive] to hear or understand something听见;理解;明白Sorry, I didn't get that. Can you repeat it?抱歉,我没有听懂,你能再说一遍吗?I don't get it. Why did he buy a car when he can't drive?我无法理解,他不会开车为什么还买车?
  1. [intransitive] get to do sth to have the chance to do something有机会(做某事)Did you get to go to the concert?你有没有去成音乐会?
catch / hit抓住;击中
  1. [transitive] (informal) to hurt someone as punishment for something that he / she did to you(作为反击)惩罚,整治,收拾I'll get you guys for making a fool of me!竟敢捉弄我,我要收拾你们这些家伙!
get somewhere / nowhere (with sb / sth)to make / not make progress有(或没有)进展Are you getting somewhere with your research?你的研究有进展吗? HELP For other idioms containing get, look up the nouns and adjectives in the idioms. For example, get sth straight is at straight.其他含 get 的习语,参见相关名词和形容词词条,如 get sth straight 在词条 straight 下。 get sth across (to sb)to succeed in making people understand something使理解;把…讲清楚The candidate failed to get his policies across to the voters.这位候选人未能让选民理解自己的政策。get aheadto progress and be successful in something, especially a career(尤指事业上)进步,成功get along with sbto have a friendly relationship with someone与某人和睦相处;与某人关系融洽Do you get along well with your coworkers?你和同事相处得好吗?We're not close friends, but we get along pretty well with each other.我们不是很亲密的朋友,但我们相处得很融洽。get around
  1. to move or travel from place to place四处走动;到处旅行My grandma needs a stick to get around these days.我奶奶现在需要拄着拐杖才能走动走动。
  1. (used about news, a story, etc.) to spread; to become known by many people(消息、故事等)流传,传播
get around sthto find a way of avoiding or dealing with a problem设法避免,设法克服(困难)get around to sth / doing sthto find the time to do something, after a delay(耽搁后)抽时间做(某事)I've been meaning to reply to that letter, but I haven't gotten around to it yet.我一直想回那封信,但还抽不出时间。get at sbto criticize someone a lot再三批评;经常数落;不断指责get at sb / sthto succeed in reaching someone or something接触到某人;够得上某物You'll need to stand on a chair to get at the top shelf.要站在椅子上才可以够到架子的顶层。get at sth (only used in the continuous tenses只用于进行时) to try to say something without saying it in a direct way; to suggest暗示;影射;意指I'm not sure what you're getting at am I doing something wrong?我不太明白你指的是什么 —— 我是不是做错了什么?get awayto have a vacation度假;休假We're hoping to get away for a few days in April.我们希望能在四月份度几天假。 noun getawayget away (from…)to succeed in leaving or escaping from someone or a place(得以)脱身,逃脱He kept talking to me and I couldn't get away from him.他不停地跟我说话,我没法脱身。The thieves got away in a stolen car.窃贼上了一辆偷来的车逃走了。get away with sth / with doing sthto do something bad and not be punished for it免受处罚;未受到惩罚He lied, but he got away with it.他撒了谎,却没有受到惩罚。get backto return to the place where you live or work回到,返回(生活或工作的地方)When did you get back from vacation?你什么时候休假回来的?get sth backto be given something that you had lost or lent找回(丢失的东西);失而复得;收回(借出的东西)Can I borrow this book? You'll get it back next week, I promise.我能借这本书吗?我保证下周还给你。get back to sbto speak to, write to, or call someone later, especially in order to give an answer稍后再答复某人(尤指回复)I'll get back to you when I have some more information.我得到更多的信息后再回复你。get back to sthto return to doing something or talking about something接着做(或谈)某事I woke up early and couldn't get back to sleep.我很早就醒了,再也睡不着了。Let's get back to the point you raised earlier.我们还是回到你先前提到的那一点吧。get behind (on / with sth)to fail to do, pay something, etc. on time, and so have more to do, pay, etc. the next time拖延;拖欠We got behind on our rent.我们拖欠了租金。get by (on / with sth)to manage to live or do something with difficulty勉强维持生活;凑合着应付It's very hard to get by on such a low income.收入这么低,生活真是难以为继。I can get by with just five hours' sleep.只睡五个小时我还撑得住。get sb downto make someone unhappy使沮丧;使不开心These cold winter days get me down.这段寒冷的冬日让我心情很低落。get sth downto make a note of something; to write something down记录;写下;记下Did you get that e-mail address down?你记下那个电邮地址了吗?get down to sth / doing sthto start working on something着手做;开始做That's enough small talk let's get down to business.不要再闲聊了,我们开始干正事吧。get into reach a place到达;抵达What time does your flight get in?你的航班什么时候到?get in / into sthto climb into a car钻进,登上(汽车)We all got in and Tim drove off.我们都上了车,蒂姆就开车了。get into sb (informal) (used about a feeling or attitude) to start affecting someone strongly, causing him / her to behave in an unusual way(感情或态度)强烈地影响某人(使举止失常)I wonder what's gotten into him he isn't usually unfriendly.我不知道他吃错了什么药,他平时不会这么不友善。get into sth
  1. to be accepted as a student, a member, etc.被录取;被接受入学(或入会等)She got into Harvard.她考入了哈佛大学。
  1. to start a particular activity; to become involved in something开始参加,涉足(某项活动);参与(某事)How did you first get into the music business?你当初是怎么进入音乐这一行的?She'd gotten into the habit of turning up late.她开始养成了迟到的习惯。We got into an argument about politics.我们为政治问题吵了起来。
  1. (informal) to become interested in something对…产生兴趣I've really been getting into yoga recently.近来我迷上了瑜伽。
get off (sth)
  1. to leave a bus, plane, etc.; to climb down from a bicycle, horse, etc.下(公共汽车、飞机、自行车、马等)
  1. to leave work with permission at a particular time(经允许在某个时间)下班I may be able to get off early today.我今天也许能提前下班。
get sth off (sth)to remove something from something把…移开;脱下;去掉Can you help me get these boots off?你能帮我脱下这双靴子吗?get (sb) off (with sth)to receive little or no punishment; to help someone to do this逃脱惩罚;获得从轻发落;使免受处罚If you're lucky, you'll get off with a small fine.如果运气好的话,交一点儿罚款就可以了。Her lawyer was confident that he would get her off.她的律师有把握能让她免受惩罚。get on (only used in the continuous tenses只用于进行时)
  1. to be getting old上岁数;上年纪He's getting on in years I'm sure he's over 60.他上了年纪,我肯定他已经过了 60。
  1. to be getting late渐晚;越来越晚Time's getting on we don't want to be late.时间不早了,我们不要迟到。
get on / onto sthto climb onto a bus, plane, bicycle, horse, etc.登上,上(公共汽车、飞机、自行车、马等)I got onto the wrong bus by mistake.我不小心上错了公共汽车。get sth onto put on a piece of clothing穿上(衣服)Get your shoes on we're going out now.穿上你的鞋,我们现在要出去。get on with sthto continue doing something, especially after an interruption(尤指中断后)接着做,继续做Stop talking and get on with your work!别说话了,继续干活!get out(used about a piece of information) to become known, after being secret(信息)泄露,被人知道get sth out (of sth)to take something from its container(从…)取出,拿出I got my keys out of my bag.我从包里取出钥匙。get out (of sth)to leave or escape from a place(从某处)离开,逃走My grandmother doesn't get out of the house much.我祖母不怎么出屋。get out of sth / doing sthto avoid a duty or doing something that you have said you will do逃避(职责或答应过要做的事)I said I'd go to their party, and I can't get out of it now.我说过我会参加他们的聚会,现在不能食言。get sth out of sbto persuade or force someone to give you something说服某人给予;强迫某人交出His parents finally got the truth out of him.他父母最终逼他说出了真相。get sth out of sb / sthto gain something from someone or something从…得到I get a lot of pleasure out of music.我从音乐中得到很多乐趣。get over sthto recover from something bad, or from an illness(经历不愉快或生病后)恢复,缓过来It took her a long time to get over her operation.她手术后用了很长时间才康复。I can't get over how mean he was!我真想不到他会这么卑鄙!get sth over with (informal) to do and complete something unpleasant that has to be done做,完成(令人不快但非做不可的事)I'll be glad to get my visit to the dentist over with.熬过看牙医后我就会高兴了。get (sb) through (sth)to manage to complete something difficult or unpleasant; to help someone to do this(帮助)完成(艰难或令人不快的事)She got through her final exams easily.她轻松地通过了期末考试。Her kindness got me through those awful days.她的善良支持着我度过了那些难熬的日子。get through (to sb)
  1. to succeed in speaking to someone on the telephone(用电话)打通,接通,联系上I couldn't get through to them because their phone was busy all day.我无法联系上他们,因为他们的电话一整天都在占线。
  1. to succeed in making someone understand something使(某人)明白They couldn't get through to him that he was completely wrong.他们无法让他明白他完全错了。
get to sb (informal) to affect someone in a bad way对某人产生负面影响;使气恼;使烦心Don't let their comments get to you just do your best.不要让他们的评论影响你,尽力就好。get together (with sb)to meet socially or in order to discuss or do something聚会;碰头讨论Let's get together and talk about it.咱们碰个头,讨论一下这事。 noun get-togetherget upto stand up站起来He got up to let an elderly woman sit down.他站起身让一位老太太坐下。get (sb) upto get out of bed or make someone get out of bed(使)起床What time do you have to get up in the morning?你早晨几点就得起床?Could you get me up at 6 tomorrow?明天你 6 点叫醒我好吗?get up to sth
  1. to reach a particular point or stage in something到达某一点(或某一阶段)We've gotten up to the last section in our grammar book.我们已经学到语法书最后的章节。
  1. to do something, especially something bad做(尤指坏事)I wonder what the kids are getting up to.我不知道那些孩子在搞什么花样。




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