

词汇 water
🔑waterwa·ter1 /ˈwɔt̬ər ; ˈwɑt̬ər /


  1. [uncountable] the clear liquid that falls as rain and is in rivers, seas, and lakesa glass of water一杯水They lived in a shack with no running water.他们住在一间没有自来水的棚屋里。After the heavy rain, several fields were under water.大雨过后,有几片田地被水淹了。clean drinking water干净的饮用水tap water (= that comes out of a faucet) 自来水mineral water矿泉水Don't go too near the edge, or you'll fall in the water!别太靠边走,不然会掉到水里!
➨ WORD BUILDING 词汇扩充When water is heated to 212° Fahrenheit (100°C), it boils and becomes steam. When steam touches a cold surface, it condenses and becomes water again.水加热 (heat) 到 212 华氏度(100 摄氏度)时会沸腾 (boil),变成蒸汽 (steam)。蒸汽接触到冷的表面时会再次凝结 (condense) 成水。When water is cooled below 32° Fahrenheit (0°C), it freezes and becomes ice. If the temperature increases, the ice melts.水冷却 (cool) 到 32 华氏度(0 摄氏度)以下时会结冰 (freeze)。如果温度增高,冰会融化 (melt)。
  1. waters [plural] the ocean near a particular country海域;领海The ship was still in U.S. waters.那艘船仍在美国海域。international waters国际水域

waterwa·ter2 /ˈwɔt̬ər ; ˈwɑt̬ər /


  1. [transitive] to give water to plants给…浇水;浇灌
  1. [intransitive](used about the eyes or mouth) to fill with water(眼睛)充满眼泪;(嘴)流口水The smoke in the room made my eyes water.房间的烟把我的双眼熏得直流泪。The food smelled so good that it made my mouth water.这食物闻起来很香,馋得我直流口水。
water sth down
  1. to add water to a liquid in order to make it weaker加水稀释(液体);掺水冲淡
  1. to change a statement, report, etc. so that it is weaker使(陈述、报告等)语气缓和




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