

词汇 budget
🔑budgetbudg·et1 /ˈbʌdʒət /


(business商业) a plan of how to spend an amount of money over a particular period of time; the amount of money that is mentioned预算;预算资金What's your monthly budget for food?你每个月在吃上打算花多少钱呢?the country's defense budget这个国家的国防预算an advertising budget of $2 million200 万美元的广告预算to balance a budget (= to make the money that goes out equal to the money that comes in) 平衡预算

budgetbudg·et2 /ˈbʌdʒət /


[intransitive, transitive] budget (sth) (for sth)
(business商业) to plan carefully how much money to spend on something把…列入预算;编制预算Don't forget to budget for possible increased costs.别忘了把可能上升的费用编入预算。Costs for the new building are already far greater than the $10 million originally budgeted.建新大楼的费用已经远远超出原来预算的 1,000 万美元。

budgetbudg·et3 /ˈbʌdʒət /


(only before a noun只用于名词前) very cheap经济的;廉价的;便宜的a budget motel room汽车旅馆的低价客房➨ THESAURUS 同义词辨析cheapcompetitive ◇ budget ◇ affordable ◇ reasonable ◇ inexpensiveThese words all describe a product or service that costs little money or less money than you expected.以上词均表示便宜的、廉价的。cheapcosting little money or less money than you expected; charging low prices低价的;便宜的;收费低廉的That restaurant is very good, and relatively cheap.那家餐厅不错,要价也相对低廉。Computers are getting cheaper all the time.电脑是越来越便宜。Cheap can also be used in a disapproving way to suggest that something is poor quality as well as low in price. * cheap 亦可作贬义,指价低质劣a bottle of cheap perfume一瓶廉价香水competitive(of prices, goods, or services) as cheap as or cheaper than those offered by other companies; able to offer goods or services at a good price(价格或收费)不过高的,有竞争力的a store selling clothes at competitive prices价格不过高的服装店budget(used especially in advertising) cheap because it offers only a basic level of service(尤用于广告)经济实惠的a budget motel经济实惠的汽车旅馆ⓘ This word can only come before a noun. * budget 只可用于名词前。affordablecheap enough for most people to afford(大多数人)付得起的affordable housing / healthcare买得起的住宅;负担得起的医疗服务reasonable(of prices) not too expensive(价格)合理的,公道的We sell good quality food at reasonable prices.我们出售优质食品,价格公道。inexpensive(somewhat formal) cheap; good value for the price便宜的;划算的;价廉物美的a relatively inexpensive hotel相对而言不贵的酒店PATTERNS 句型cheap / competitive / budget / affordable / reasonable prices / fares / ratescheap / competitive / budget / affordable / inexpensive products / services




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