

词汇 fraction
fractionfrac·tion /ˈfrækʃn /


  1. a small part or amount小部分;少量;一点儿For a fraction of a second, I thought the car was going to crash.那一瞬间,我以为要撞车了。
  1. (mathematics数学) an exact part of a number分数½ and ¼ are fractions.½ 和 ¼ 是分数。➨ LANGUAGE BANK用语库proportiondescribing fractions and proportions描述分数和份额According to this pie chart, a third of students' leisure time is spent watching TV.如饼分图所示,学生的闲暇时间有三分之一都花在看电视上。One in five hours is spent socializing.每五个小时中有一个小时花在社交活动上。Socializing accounts for / makes up / represents about 20% of students' leisure time.社交活动占去学生大约 20% 的闲暇时间。Students spend twice as much time playing computer games as they do playing sports.学生玩电脑游戏的时间是他们运动时间的两倍。




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