

词汇 edge
🔑edgeedge1 /ɛdʒ /


  1. the place where something, especially a surface, ends(尤指表面的)边缘,沿the edge of a table桌沿The leaves were brown and curling at the edges.叶子呈褐色,边缘卷曲。I stood at the water's edge.我站在水边。
  1. the sharp cutting part of a knife, etc.刀口;刀刃;刀锋  look at cutting edge
an / the edge on / over sb / stha slight advantage over someone or something微弱优势She knew she had an edge over the other candidates.她知道自己比其他候选人略占优势。on edgenervous, excited, or quick to become angry紧张;激动;烦躁I'm a little on edge because I get my report card today.我有点心烦意乱,因为我今天会收到成绩报告单。 SYN edgy

edgeedge2 /ɛdʒ /


  1. [intransitive, transitive] edge (sth / your way) across, along, away, back, etc. to move (something) slowly and carefully across, etc.(使)徐徐移动,挪移The burglar edged his way along the roof.窃贼沿着屋顶慢慢移动。We edged closer to get a better view.我们慢慢凑近以便看得更清楚。She edged her chair up to the window.她一点点挪动椅子靠近窗口。
  1. [intransitive] to increase or decrease by a small amount略微增加(或减少)Unemployment edged up by 0.2% to 4.6% in January.一月份失业率略微增加了 0.2%,达到 4.6%。
  1. [transitive] (usually passive通常用被动语态) edge sth (with sth) to arrange something along the edge of something else给…镶边;给…加边The cloth was edged with lace.那块布镶了花边。




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