

词汇 branch
🔑branchbranch1 /bræntʃ /


  1. one of the main parts of a tree that grows out of the thick central part (the trunk)树枝;枝丫I climbed the tree and sat on a branch.我爬上树,坐在树枝上。
  1. (business商业) a local office or store that is part of a larger organization分支;分店;分部The company I work for has branches in Paris, Milan, and New York.我任职的公司在巴黎、米兰和纽约设有分公司。the bank's downtown branch这家银行的市中心支行
  1. a part of a government or other large organization that deals with one particular aspect of its work政府部门;分支机构the judicial branch司法部门 SYN department
  1. a division of an area of knowledge or a group of languages(学科或语言的)分支Psychiatry is a branch of medicine.精神病学是医学的一个分科。
  1. a smaller or less important part of a river, road, railroad, etc. that leads away from the main part支流;支路;支线a branch of the Ohio River俄亥俄河的支流

branchbranch2 /bræntʃ /


branch off(used about a road) to leave a larger road and go off in another direction(道路)分岔The road branches off to the left ahead.这条路在前面向左分出一条岔道。branch out (into sth)to start doing something new and different from the things you usually do涉足(新领域);拓展(新业务)He started as a poet but branched out into songwriting.他一开始是个诗人,后来又拓展到创作歌曲。




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