

词汇 communication
🔑communicationcom·mu·ni·ca·tion AW /kəˌmyunəˈkeɪʃn /


  1. [uncountable] the act of communicating交流;沟通;传达There is little real communication between father and daughter.父亲和女儿之间几乎没有真正的沟通。verbal / nonverbal communication言语/非言语交流Radio is the only means of communication in remote areas.在偏远地区无线电是唯一的通讯手段。
  1. [countable] (formal) a message信息;消息a communication from our chairman从我们主席那儿传来的消息
  1. communications [singular, uncountable] the study of communicating in an effective way传播学Toni plans to major in communications when she goes to college.托妮打算上大学时主修传播学。
  1. communications [plural] the methods that are used for traveling to and from a place or for sending messages between places交通;通讯The phone lines are down, so communications are very difficult.电话线断了,所以通讯非常困难。
be in communication with sb / sth (formal) to be in regular contact with someone or something与…保持联系The astronauts are in direct communication with the control center in Houston.宇航员与休斯敦控制中心保持直接联系。




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