

词汇 entry
🔑entryen·try /ˈɛntri /


(plural en·tries)
going in进入
  1. [countable] entry (into sth) the act of coming or going into a place进入;入内The thieves forced an entry into the building.盗贼强行进入了大楼。 SYN entrance
  1. [uncountable] entry (to sth) the right to enter a place进入权an entry visa入境签证  look at admission (1)
door / gate
  1. [countable] a door, gate, passage, etc. where you enter a building, etc.; an entrance hall大门;入口处;通道;门厅We stood in the entry of the building until the rain stopped.我们站在大楼的门厅里直到雨停。 SYN entryway
written information书面资料
  1. [countable] entry (in sth) one item that is written down in a list, account book, dictionary, etc.项目;账目;条目;词条You'll find “briskly” at the entry for “brisk.在词条 brisk 下可以找到 briskly。
in competition竞赛
  1. [countable] entry (for sth) a person or thing that is entered for a competition, etc.参赛的人(或事物)There were 50 entries for the best apple pie at the fair.展销会上有 50 件作品竞逐最佳苹果派。




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