

词汇 vote
🔑votevote1 /voʊt /


  1. [countable] a method of deciding something by asking people to express their choice and finding out what the majority want投票;表决Let's take a vote. All those in favor, raise your hands.咱们投票决定吧。所有同意的人,请举手。
  1. [countable] a vote (for / against sb / sth) an expression of your choice in an election, etc., which you show by raising your hand or writing on a piece of paper票;选票The votes are still being counted.投票仍在计数中。There were nearly 20,000 votes for Mr. Wells.有接近 20,000 张选票投给了韦尔斯先生。
  1. the vote [singular] the votes given or received by a certain group in an election投票总数;得票总数The Democratic candidate received 42% of the vote.民主党候选人获得了 42% 的选票。
  1. the vote [singular] the legal right to vote in political elections投票权;选举权Women did not get the vote in this country until the 1920s.这个国家的妇女直到 20 世纪 20 年代才获得投票权。

🔑votevote2 /voʊt /


  1. [intransitive, transitive] vote (for / against sb / sth) | vote (on sth) (politics政治) to show a choice of opinion with a vote投票;表决Who did you vote for in the last election?你在上次选举中投了谁的票?Very few senators voted against the new law.投票反对这一新法律的参议员寥寥无几。Now that we've heard everybody's opinion, I think it's time to vote on it.既然我们已经听过了大家的意见,我想该投票表决了。They voted to ban smoking in the building.他们投票禁止在大楼内吸烟。I voted Democrat.我投了民主党的票。
  1. [transitive] to choose someone for a particular position or honor选出(某人担任某职);表决(授奖给某人)He was voted best actor.他当选为最佳男演员。




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