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词汇 blow
🔑blowblow1 /bloʊ /


(past tense blew /blu / , past participle blown /bloʊn /)
of wind
  1. [intransitive, transitive](used about wind, air, etc.) to move or cause something to move(风、空气等)吹,吹动A gentle breeze was blowing through the curtains.微风透过窗帘吹过来。The wind blew my papers all over the sidewalk.我的文件被风吹得人行道上到处都是。
from mouth
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to send air out of the mouth吹;呼气Take a deep breath and then blow.深吸一口气,然后呼出来。He blew on his hands to keep them warm.他对着双手呵气好暖暖手。She kept blowing smoke in my face.她不断把烟喷到我脸上。
shape something使成形
  1. to make or shape something by blowing air out of your mouth吹出(某物或某种形状)to blow bubbles / smoke rings 吹泡泡;吐烟圈to blow (someone) a kiss (= kiss your hand and pretend to blow the kiss toward someone) (向某人)送飞吻
whistle / instrument哨子;乐器
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to produce sound from a musical instrument, whistle, etc. by means of air吹响;吹奏;鸣响The referee's whistle blew at the end of the game.比赛结束时裁判吹响了哨声。He blew a few notes on the trumpet.他用小号吹了几个音。All the drivers were blowing their horns.所有的司机都在鸣喇叭。
  1. [transitive] (informal) to waste an opportunity to succeed in something浪费(机会)I think I've blown my chances of a promotion.我觉得我白白葬送了晋升的良机。You really blew it this time, Tim!你这次真的搞砸了,蒂姆!
  1. [transitive] blow sth (on sth) (informal) to spend or waste a lot of money on something花(大钱);挥霍She blew all her savings on a trip to China.她去了一趟中国,把积蓄全花光了。
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to stop working suddenly because an electric current is too strong; to make something do this(使保险丝)烧断,熔化A fuse just blew.保险丝刚刚烧了。Don't turn on everything at once or you'll blow a fuse.不要一下子把所有电器都打开,否则会烧坏保险丝的。
blow your mind (informal) to be very surprising, often in a pleasant way令人惊喜Wow! That concert totally blew my mind!哇!那场音乐会简直让我惊喜万分!blow your noseto clear your nose by blowing strongly through it into a piece of cloth, etc.擤鼻涕blow the whistle on sb / sth (informal) to tell someone in authority about something wrong or illegal that someone is doing揭发;告发  look at whistle-blower blow sth outto make something stop burning by blowing air at it吹熄;吹灭to blow out the candles on a birthday cake吹灭生日蛋糕上的蜡烛blow overto go away; to end消散;结束I hope those dark clouds will blow over soon.我希望那些乌云很快消散。Our arguments usually blow over fairly quickly.我们的争论通常很快就结束了。blow up
  1. to explode or to be destroyed in an explosion爆炸;被炸毁The car blew up when the door was opened.车门一打开,汽车就爆炸了。
  1. to start suddenly and strongly爆发;突然来临A storm blew up in the night.夜间风雨大作。An argument blew up about money.为钱的事大吵了一架。
blow sth up
  1. to make something explode or to destroy something in an explosion使爆炸;炸毁The terrorists tried to blow up the plane.恐怖分子企图炸毁飞机。
  1. to fill something with air or gas使充气;吹涨to blow up a balloon吹气球
  1. to make a larger copy of something放大to blow up a picture放大照片

🔑blowblow2 /bloʊ /


  1. a hard knock from your hand, a weapon, etc. that hits or is intended to hit someone or something(用手、武器等的)猛击,狠打He felt a blow on the back of his head.他感到后脑勺被人重重一击。She aimed a blow at me.她冲着我挥了一拳。
  1. a blow (to sb / sth) a sudden shock or disappointment(意外的)打击,挫折It was a major blow when I heard that I hadn't gotten the job.得知我没得到那份工作,我受到极大打击。Not getting accepted to law school was a terrible blow to his pride.没被法学院录取对他的自尊心是沉重的打击。
  1. an act of blowingGive those candles a big blow!使劲地吹那些蜡烛!
a blow-by-blow account, description, etc. (of sth)an account, etc. of an event that gives all the exact details of it(事件的)详细描述deal sb / sth a blowdeal a blow to sb / sthto give someone a shock, etc.使震惊;使受打击This news dealt a terrible blow to my father.这个消息对我父亲是一个沉重打击。




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