

词汇 long
🔑longlong1 /lɔŋ /


(long·er /ˈlɔŋɡər /, long·est /ˈlɔŋɡəst /)
  1. measuring or covering a great amount in distance or time(距离或时间)长的She has beautiful long hair.她有一头秀丽的长发。We had to wait a long time.我们只好等候很长时间。I walked a long way today.我今天走了很长的路。a long dress (= down to the floor) (曳地)长裙long, cold winter nights漫长寒冷的冬夜
  1. used for asking or talking about how much something measures in length, distance, or time(询问或谈及长度、距离或时间)长达,长 How long is the movie?这部电影有多长时间?The insect was only 2 millimeters long.这只昆虫只有 2 毫米长。a five-mile-long traffic jam长达五英里的交通拥堵
 noun lengthgo a long way(used about money, food, etc.) to be used for buying a lot of things, feeding a lot of people, etc.(钱、食物等)经用,耐用to make a little money go a long way使少量的钱细水长流in the long runafter a long time; in the end长远来看;最终We ought to buy a new car it'll be cheaper in the long run.我们应该买辆新车,从长远看这样更划算。the long haul (informal) the entire time of an event, a process, etc.整个过程;自始至终I don't plan to quit this project I'm in it for the long haul.我不打算放弃这个项目,我会有始有终的。in the long / short termover a long / short period of time in the future从长期/短期来看We're aiming at an increase of 20% in the long term.从长远来看,我们力求能有 20% 的增长。  look at long-term, short-term

🔑longlong2 /lɔŋ /


(long·er /ˈlɔŋɡər /, long·est /ˈlɔŋɡəst /)
  1. for a long time长时间地;长久地She didn't stay long.她没待多久。You shouldn't have to wait long.你应该不必等太久。I hope we don't have to wait much longer.我希望我们不用再等很长时间。
  1. a long time before or after a particular time or event(某时间或事件之前或之后)很久All that happened long ago.那都是很久以前的事了。We got married long before we moved here.我们搬到这里之前早就结婚了。We'll be home before long.我们很快就要到家了。I won't be long (= I'll return, be ready, etc. soon).我很快就好。This may take longer than we thought.这事可能比我们原想的要花更长时间。
  1. used after a noun to emphasize that something happens for the whole of a particular period of time(用于名词后表示强调)整个地,始终The baby cried all night long.婴儿哭了整整一夜。
as / so long ason condition that只要As long as there are no problems, we should get the job done by Friday.只要不出问题,我们最晚周五就能完成这项工作。no / not any longernot anymore不再;不复They no longer live here.他们不再住这儿了。They don't live here any longer.他们不再住这儿了。so long (informal) goodbye再见

longlong3 /lɔŋ /


[intransitive] long for sth | long (for sb) to do sth
to want something very much渴望He longed to hold her in his arms.他渴望拥她入怀。




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