

词汇 find
🔑findfind1 /faɪnd /


[transitive] (past tense, past participle found /faʊnd /)
  1. to discover something that you want or that you have lost, after searching for it找到;找回Did you find the pen you lost?你找到你丢失的钢笔了吗?I can't find my new sweater anywhere.我哪里都找不到我的新毛衣。After six months, she finally found a job.六个月后,她终于找到了工作。Scientists still haven't found a cure for colds.科学家还没有找到治愈感冒的方法。I hope you find an answer to your problem.我希望你找到解决问题的方法。 OPP lose
  1. to discover something by chance(意外或偶然地)发现,碰上Tom found a $20 bill in the park.汤姆在公园里捡到一张 20 美元的钞票。We went into the house and found her lying on the floor.我们走进房间,发现她躺在地上。
  1. to have an opinion about something because of your own experience(因亲身体验)认为,觉得I find that book very difficult to understand.我觉得那本书很难懂。We didn't find the movie at all funny.我们一点儿都不觉得那部电影好笑。How are you finding life as a student?你的学生生活过得怎么样?
  1. to suddenly realize or see something(突然)意识到,看到I got home to find him asleep in my bed!我回家后发现他在我的床上睡着了!Ben turned a corner and found himself back at the train station.本转过街角之后发现自己又回到了火车站。
find fault (with sb / sth)to look for things that are wrong with someone or something and complain about them找碴儿;挑错;挑剔 find (sth) outto get some information; to discover a fact获知(信息);发现(事实)Did you find out how much the tickets cost?你弄清楚这些票要多少钱了吗?I found out that he'd been lying to me all along.我发现他一直在骗我。find sb outto discover that someone has done something wrong发现,查出(坏人);识破He used a false name for years before he was found out.他使用假名多年以后才被查出。

findfind2 /faɪnd /


a thing or a person that is unusually good or valuable(极好或有价值的)发现物;被发现的人This little gadget was a real find.这个小玩意真是好东西。




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