释义 |
concon1 /kɑn / verb [transitive] (con·ning, conned)con sb (into doing sth / out of sth) (informal) to cheat someone, especially in order to get money(尤指为了钱财)欺骗,哄骗,诈骗◆He conned her into investing in a company that didn't really exist.他骗她投资一家子虚乌有的公司。
concon2 /kɑn / noun [countable] (informal) a trick, especially in order to cheat someone out of some money(尤指为了骗取钱财的)诡计,骗局 ●the pros and consthe reasons for and against doing something赞成与反对的理由;正反两方面;利与弊◆We should consider all the pros and cons before making a final decision.做出最终决定之前,我们应该全面权衡利弊。 |