

词汇 makeup
🔑makeupmake·up /ˈmeɪkʌp / ( make-up)


  1. [uncountable] powder, cream, etc. that you put on your face to make yourself more attractive. Actors use makeup to change their appearance when they are acting.化妆品to put on / take off makeup上妆;卸妆She wears a lot of makeup.她浓妆艳抹。  look at cosmetic1
  1. [singular] the different qualities that combine to form someone's character性格;品性;气质He can't help his temper. It's part of his makeup.他控制不住自己的脾气,他生性如此。
  1. [singular] the different things or people that combine to form something; the way in which they combine组成成分;构成方式the makeup of the board of directors董事会的构成
  1. [countable] a special test, piece of work, etc. given to students who failed or missed an earlier one补考;补交作业Students who were absent yesterday should write a book report as a makeup.昨天缺课的同学得补写一篇读书报告。There will be a makeup quiz on Thursday.周四将进行补考。




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