

词汇 figure
🔑figurefig·ure1 /ˈfɪɡyər /


  1. an amount (in numbers) or a price数目;数字;价格The unemployment figures are lower this month.这个月的失业人数有所下降。That figure of $10,000 is just a rough estimate.1 万美元这个价格只是粗略的估计。
  1. (mathematics数学) a written sign for a number (0 to 9)(从 0 到 9 的)数字Write the numbers in figures, not words.这些数要写成阿拉伯数字形式,不要写成文字。a six-figure salary (= over 100,000 dollars) 六位数的薪金
  1. figures [plural] (mathematics数学) (informal) the area of mathematics that deals with adding, multiplying, etc. numbers算术Are you any good at figures?你算术好吗?
  1. a famous or important person名人;要人an important political figure政要
  1. a person (that you cannot see very clearly)(隐约可见的)人影,人的轮廓Two figures were coming toward us in the dark.黑暗中有两个人影向我们走来。
shape of body身材
  1. the shape of the human body, especially a woman's body(尤指女性的)体形,身材;身段She's almost 50, but she still has the figure of a teenager.她快 50 岁了,但身材依然像少女。I'll lose my figure (= I'll get fat) if I eat too much chocolate.如果我吃太多巧克力,身材就会走样。➨ WHICH WORD?词语辨析Build or figure? * build 还是 figure?Build usually describes size in connection with strength and muscle, and is used for both men and women. * build 通常用于描述与力气或肌肉相关的体格,用于男性和女性均可。Figure usually describes shape, especially whether it is attractive or not, and is used especially for women. * figure 通常用于描述身材是否迷人,尤其用于女性。
in painting / picture绘画;图片
  1. (art美术) a person (in a picture or photograph)(图画或照片上的)人There were two figures on the right of the picture that I didn't recognize.照片上右边有两个人我认不出来。
picture / diagram图表
  1. (abbreviation fig.) a diagram or picture used in a book to explain something(书中的)图示,图表Figure 3 shows the major cities of Italy.表 3 显示的是意大利的主要城市。
  1. (mathematics数学) a particular shape formed by lines or surfaces图形a five-sided figure五边形
facts and figures (informal) detailed information详细信息;详情Here are some facts and figures on new housing developments in the city: ...以下是市区新住宅开发的一些详细信息:…

🔑figurefig·ure2 /ˈfɪɡyər /


  1. [transitive] figure (that) (informal) to think or guess something认为;猜想I figured he was here because I saw his car outside.我猜他在这儿,因为我看到他的车在外面。
  1. [intransitive] figure (in sth) to be included in something; to be an important part of something是…的一部分;是…的重要部分Women don't figure much in his novels.女性在他的小说中无足轻重。 SYN feature
  1. [transitive] (mathematics数学) to calculate something计算to figure your income taxes计算你的所得税
go figure (informal) used to say that you are surprised about something(表示对某事感到惊奇)So Phil finally got married? Go figure!这么说菲尔最终结婚了?真让我吃惊!it / that figures (informal) that is what I expected如我所料;不出所料 figure sb / sth outto find an answer to something or to understand someone弄明白;搞清楚I just can't figure out what she wants.我就是搞不清楚她想要什么。




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