

词汇 better
🔑betterbet·ter1 /ˈbɛt̬ər /


  1. (the comparative of good * good 的比较级) better (than sth) of a higher quality or level, or more suitable than someone or something较好的;更好的I think her second novel was much better than her first.我认为她第二部小说比第一部好得多。He's better at chemistry than physics.比起物理,他更擅长化学。It's a long way to drive. It would be better to fly.开车路太远,还是乘飞机好些。I'm not a very good cook but I'm getting better.我厨艺不佳,但有长进。
  1. less sick; fully recovered from an illness病情好转的;康复的I feel a little better today.我觉得今天好点了。You can't go swimming until you're better.你要等身体康复了再去游泳。
the bigger, smaller, faster, slower, etc. the betterused to say that something should be as big, small, etc. as possible越大(或越小、越快、越慢等)越好As far as the connection speed is concerned, the faster the better.就连接速度来说,越快越好。have seen better daysto be in poor condition今不如昔;状态不佳Our car has seen better days, but we can't afford to buy a new one.我们的车况不好,可是我们买不起新车。

🔑betterbet·ter2 /ˈbɛt̬ər /


(the comparative of well * well 的比较级) better (than sb / sth) in a more excellent or pleasant way; to a greater degree更好;更加;更大程度地I think you could have done this better.我觉得你本来可以把这事做得更好。Sylvie speaks English better than I do.西尔维英语说得比我好。I like the red one better than the blue one.我喜欢红色的胜过蓝色的。the best / better part of sthmost of something; more than half of something, often a period of time大部分;(常指时间的)多半They've lived here for the better part of forty years.过去四十年的大部分时间他们都住在这里。(be) better off
  1. to be in a more pleasant or suitable situation更愉快;更合适You look terrible. You'd be better off at home in bed.你气色很差,还是在家躺着的好。
  1. with more money更有钱;更富裕We're much better off now that both of us work.由于我们两人都工作,生活宽裕多了。  look at well-off
you, etc. had betteryou should应该;最好I think we'd better go before it gets dark.我觉得我们最好天黑前走。know better (than that / than to do sth)to have enough sense (not to do something)明白事理(而不至于做某事);不至于糊涂到(做某事)I thought you knew better than to go out in the rain with no coat on.我想你不至于蠢到不穿外衣就冒雨出去。think better of (doing) sthto decide not to do something; to change your mind决定不做;改变主意

betterbet·ter3 /ˈbɛt̬ər /


[singular, uncountable]
something that is of higher quality更好的事物The hotel wasn't too bad, but I've certainly seen better.这家旅馆不算太差,但我确实见过更好的。get the better of sb / sthto defeat or be stronger than someone or something打败;比…强;占上风When we have an argument, she always gets the better of me.我们争吵时,她总是占上风。




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