

词汇 believe (that)…
[transitive] believe (that)… to think that something is true or possible, although you are not certain以为;认为有可能I believe they moved to Halifax.我认为他们搬到哈利法克斯了。This is yours, I believe.我猜这是你的。The escaped prisoner is believed to be in this area.逃犯据信藏身于这个地区。➨ LANGUAGE BANK用语库opiniongiving your personal opinion表达个人意见In my opinion, everyone should have some understanding of basic science.依我看,每个人都应该懂一点基础科学。Many people have what in my view is / I believe to be a poor understanding of basic science.依我看,许多人都不太懂基础科学。It seems to me that many people have a poor understanding of basic science.在我看来,许多人都不太懂基础科学。Jones argues that science is separate from culture. My own view is that science is an essential part of our culture.琼斯认为科学与文化互不相干。我的观点是,科学是我们的文化不可或缺的一部分。




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