

词汇 instrument
🔑instrumentin·stru·ment /ˈɪnstrəmənt /


  1. a tool that is used for doing a particular job or task器械;仪器;设备surgical instruments外科器械➨ WHICH WORD?词语辨析A tool is usually something you can hold in your hand, for example a wrench or a hammer. * tool 通常指能握在手中的工具,如扳手或锤子。An implement is often used outside, for example for farming or gardening. * implement 常指在户外使用的工具,如农具或园艺工具。A machine has moving parts and works with electricity, with an engine, etc. * machine (机器)有活动部件,靠电或发动机等驱动。An instrument is often used for technical or delicate work. * instrument (仪器)常用于技术性或精密工作a dentist's instruments牙医器械precision instruments精密仪器A device is a more general word for a piece of equipment that you consider to be useful. * device (设备)含义更为广泛,指被认为有用的器具The machine has a safety device which switches the power off if there is a problem.这台机器有一个保险装置,出现故障时会切断电源。
  1. (music音乐) something that is used for playing music乐器“What instrument do you play? “The violin.“你会演奏什么乐器?”“小提琴。”➨ TOPIC COLLOCATIONS 主题词搭配Music音乐listeninglisten to / enjoy / love / be into classical / jazz / pop / hip-hop (music)listen to the radio / an MP3 player / a CDput on / play a CD / a song / some musicturn down / up the music / radio / volumego to a concert / gig / performancedownload music / an album / a songplaying and performing演奏;演唱play a musical instrument / the piano / a note / a tunesing a song / a solo / the blues / in a choirstart / join / quit / leave a bandgive a performance / a recital / a concertperform / appear live / in a concert / at a festivalrecording录制write / compose music / a melody / a tune / a song / an opera / a symphonyrecord / release an album / a single / a CD
➨ WORD BUILDING 词汇扩充Musical instruments may be乐器 (musical instrument) 可以是:stringed (violins, guitars, etc.)弦 (stringed) 乐器,如小提琴、吉他等brass (horns, trumpets, etc.)铜管 (brass) 乐器,如法国号、小号等woodwind (flutes, clarinets, etc.)木管 (woodwind) 乐器,如长笛、单簧管等Percussion instruments include drums and cymbals.打击 (percussion) 乐器包括鼓和钹。
  1. something that is used for measuring speed, fuel levels, etc. in a car, plane, or ship(汽车、飞机或轮船等的)仪表the instrument panel of an airplane飞机的仪表盘




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