

词汇 again
🔑againa·gain /əˈɡɛn /


  1. once more; another time再次;又一次Could you say that again, please?请再说一遍好吗?Don't ever do that again!千万别再那样干了!
  1. in the place or condition that someone or something was in before回到原处;恢复原样It's great to be home again.又回到家了,感觉真好。I hope you'll soon feel well again.我希望你早日康复。
  1. in addition另加;再加“Is that enough? “No, I'd like half as much again, please (= one-and-a-half times the original amount).“这样够了吗?”“不够,请来一份半。”
again and againmany times多次;一再He said he was sorry again and again.他再三道歉。but then (again)then againused for introducing a new and different piece of information(引出新的和不同的信息)不过,可是话又说回来The weather forecast says it'll rain, but then again it's often wrong.天气预报说要下雨,不过常常报错。now and again / then(every) now and thenoccasionally时而;偶尔;有时We see each other now and then, but not very often.我们俩偶尔见一面,但不是很经常。yet again(used for emphasizing how often something happens) once more(强调事情发生得频繁)又一次,再一次Yet again, Jim was late for class.吉姆上课又迟到了。




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