

词汇 pocket
🔑pocketpock·et1 /ˈpɑkət /


  1. a small bag that is sewn inside or on something you wear and that you can carry things in衣袋;口袋;兜He always walks with his hands in his pants pockets.他走路时总是把双手插在裤兜里。a pocket dictionary / calculator (= one small enough to fit in your pocket) 袖珍词典/计算器
  1. a bag that is fastened to the inside of a car door, etc. and that you can put things in(车门等内侧的)小袋子,小容器,车囊There are safety instructions in the pocket of the seat in front of you.在你前方座位的袋子里有安全须知。
  1. a small area or group of something小块;小组;小股pockets of unemployment小拨的失业人群a pocket of warm air一股暖空气
pick sb's pocketto steal money, etc. from someone's pocket or bag扒窃

pocketpock·et2 /ˈpɑkət /


  1. to put something in your pocket把…放入口袋He took the letter and pocketed it quickly.他拿起信,迅速揣入口袋。
  1. to steal something or to keep money for yourself扒窃;窃取;中饱私囊




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