

词汇 afternoon
🔑afternoonaf·ter·noon /ˌæftərˈnun /


[countable, uncountable]
the part of a day between 12 p.m. and about 6 p.m.下午;午后I'll see you tomorrow afternoon.我明天下午跟你见面。She arrived at four o'clock in the afternoon.她下午四点到的。Tom works two afternoons a week.汤姆每星期工作两个下午。Are you busy Friday afternoon?星期五下午你忙吗?an afternoon snack午后小吃Where were you on the afternoon of April 26th?4 月 26 日下午你在哪儿?➨ GRAMMAR 语法说明The preposition “in” is often used before morning, afternoon, and evening.介词 in 常用于 morning、afternoon、evening 之前We'll talk about it in the morning.我们明天上午再商量这件事。My flight leaves at three in the afternoon.我乘坐的航班下午三点起飞。The accident happened in the early morning.事故是凌晨发生的。What do you usually do in the evenings?你晚上通常做什么?With other adjectives, “on” is used.与其他形容词连用时用 onSchool starts on Monday morning.星期一上午开学。They left on a cold, windy afternoon.他们在一个寒冷风大的下午离开了。On a clear evening, the temperature can drop quickly.在晴朗的晚上,气温有时会迅速下降。No preposition is used before “this,” “tomorrow,” or “yesterday.” * this、tomorrow 或 yesterday 之前不用介词Let's go swimming this afternoon.咱们今天下午去游泳吧。I'll call you tomorrow evening.我明晚给你打电话。We went to the zoo yesterday morning.我们昨天上午去动物园了。  look at the note at nightgood afternoon (formal) used when you see someone for the first time in the afternoon下午好




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