

词汇 bear

bear1 /bɛr /


a large, heavy wild animal with thick fura black bear黑熊a polar bear北极熊  look at teddy bear

🔑bearbear2 /bɛr /


(past tense bore /bɔr / , past participle borne /bɔrn /)
accept / deal with接受;应付
  1. [transitive] (used with can / could in negative sentences and questions在否定句或疑问句中与 can / could 连用) to be able to accept and deal with something unpleasant承受;忍受;应付Joanne can't bear people who are late.乔安妮不能容忍迟到的人。She can't bear waiting for people.她可受不了等人。How can you bear to eat that stuff?那种东西你怎么吃得下去?I couldn't bear the thought of one more night in that house.一想到在那栋房子里再待一晚上,我就受不了。The pain was almost more than I could bear.那种痛楚几乎让我忍受不了。 SYN stand
not be suitable不合适
  1. [transitive] to not be suitable for something; to not allow something不适合;经不住These figures won't bear close examination (= when you look closely you will find mistakes).这些数字经不起仔细审核。The memories of that night don't bear thinking about (= they are too unpleasant to think about).那天晚上的事情不堪回首。
be responsible for sth负责
  1. [transitive] (formal) to take responsibility for something承担,担负(责任)In her position as governor, she bears a great deal of responsibility.作为州长,她肩负着很多责任。Customers will bear the full cost of the improvements.客户将承担改进的全部费用。
negative feeling负面情绪
  1. [transitive] to have a feeling, especially a negative feeling心怀,怀有(尤指负面情绪)Despite what they did, she bears no resentment toward them.尽管他们做了这些事,她却并不怨恨他们。I offended him once and he bore a grudge against me for years.我曾经得罪过他,多年来他对我一直怀恨在心。
support weight承重
  1. [transitive] to support the weight of someone or something支撑,承受(重量)Twelve pillars bear the weight of the roof.十二根柱子支撑着屋顶的重量。
show / carry显现;携带
  1. [transitive] (formal) to show something; to carry something so that it can be seen显示;带有The coins bear a moose's head.这些硬币印有驼鹿的头像。He still bears the scars of his accident.他身上仍然有那次事故留下的伤疤。She bears a strong resemblance to her mother (= she looks like her).她长得很像她母亲。The waiters came in bearing trays of food.服务员端着一盘盘的菜走进来。
  1. [transitive] (formal) to give birth to a child生育;生养She bore four children, all sons.她生了四个小孩,全是男孩。
of trees / plants树木;花草
  1. [transitive] (formal) to produce flowers or fruit开(花);结(果实)The tree in our yard bears more apples than we can eat.院子里那棵树结的苹果多得我们吃不完。 (figurative) Our plan is beginning to bear fruit (= to show successful results).我们的计划初见成效。
  1. [intransitive] bear left / right to turn or go in the direction that is mentioned向(左或右)转;拐向At the fork in the road, bear left.在岔路口向左拐。
bear / take the brunt of sthto suffer the main force of something承受主要冲击The West Coast bore the brunt of the storm.西海岸受到这场暴风雨最大的冲击。bear in mind (that)to remember that记住;牢记在心Bear in mind that the weather here can change very quickly.要记住,这里的天气变化非常快。 bear down on sb / sth
  1. to press on someone or something压住;加压力于Bear down on it with all your strength so it doesn't move.用全力压住它,不要让它移动。
  1. to move quickly toward someone or something in a determined or threatening way冲向;咄咄逼近The driver sped up as the police bore down on him.警察冲过来时,那个司机加快了速度。
bear sb / sth outto show that someone is right or that something is true为…作证;证实The figures bear him out.这些数字证明他是对的。The figures bear out what he says.这些数字证实了他说的话。bear up (against / under sth)to remain as cheerful as possible during a difficult time(在困难时期)保持振作,坚持,挺住She's had a tough time, but she's bearing up pretty well.她这段时间过得很艰难,但她一直都很乐观。bear with sb / sthto be patient with someone or something耐心对待;容忍Please bear with us while we sort out these technical problems.在我们处理这些技术问题时,请保持耐心。




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