

词汇 baseball
🔑baseballbase·ball /ˈbeɪsbɔl /


  1. [uncountable] a team game in which players hit a ball with a piece of wood with a handle (called a bat) and run around four bases1 (6) on a field. They have to touch all four bases in order to score points.棒球运动I loved to play baseball when I was a boy.我小时候爱打棒球。
  1. [countable] the hard round ball that is used in this game棒球
➨ WORD BUILDING 词汇扩充There are nine players on a baseball team. The pitcher pitches (= throws) the ball to a batter from the other team.一支棒球队有九名队员。投手 (pitcher) 把球投给对方球队的击球手 (batter)。The batter tries to score runs (= points) by hitting the ball and running around the four bases.击球手要设法击中球并跑完四个垒位 (base) 才能得分 (run)。If the batter tries to hit the ball but misses it, this is called a strike. After three strikes the batter is out and the next batter comes to bat.如果击球手试图击球而未击中,称为“击球不中” (strike)。击球手三次击球不中就出局 (out),换下一个击球手上场。If a batter manages to hit the ball so far that it goes out of the field, this is a home run, and the batter is allowed to touch all four bases.如果击球手击中球,球飞出场外,称为“本垒打” (home run),击球手可以踏触所有四个垒位。




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