

词汇 fair
🔑fairfair1 /fɛr /


treating people equally公平
  1. fair (to sb) treating each person or side equally, according to the law or the rules, etc.(按法律、规定等)平等待人的,公平的,公正的That's not fair he made the same number of mistakes as I did and he got a better grade.这不公平。他出的错和我一样多,分数却比我高。It wasn't fair to her to ask her to stay so late.让她待到那么晚对她不公平。a fair trial公正的审判 OPP unfair
acceptable / appropriate可接受;恰当
  1. right, according to what people generally accept as right合理的;恰当的;适当的a fair price合理的价格I think it's fair to say that the number of homeless people is increasing.无家可归者的人数在上升,我认为这个说法是恰当的。 OPP unfair
  1. not better, bigger, etc. than average中等的;一般的They have a fair chance of success.他们的成功机会一般。How would you describe the service here: excellent, good, fair, or poor?你觉得这里的服务如何:很好,好,一般,还是差?
hair / skin头发;皮肤
  1. (used about the skin or hair) light in color(皮肤或头发)浅色的,淡色的He has a fair complexion and gets sunburned easily.他皮肤白皙,容易晒黑。fair hair (= blond hair) 金发 OPP dark
  1. (used about the weather) good, without rain(天气)晴朗的,晴好的
fair gamea person or thing that is easy to criticize or that people think should be criticized嘲弄的对象;话柄;笑料The silly behavior of celebrities makes them fair game for comedians.名人们的愚蠢行为使他们成为喜剧演员取笑的对象。fair playequal treatment of both / all sides according to the rules公平竞争;公平对待Special privileges for some people violate our sense of fair play.给予一些人特权有违我们公平竞争的精神。have (more than) your (fair) share of sthto have (more than) the usual or expected amount of something有(超过)通常的数量;有(超过)预期的数目We've had more than our fair share of trouble today.我们今天遇到的麻烦可是够多的。


[uncountable] treating people equally or according to the law, rules, etc.公平;公正;公道 In all fairness, I thought you should have been the winner.从公平的角度而言,我认为你才应该是获胜者。

fairfair2 /fɛr /


according to the rules; in a way that is considered to be acceptable and appropriate公平地;公正地;合理地You have to play fair in all team games.在所有团队比赛中都要公平竞争。fair and squarehonestly and according to the rules诚实;光明正大Quit complaining she won the game fair and square.别抱怨了,她赢得光明正大。fair enoughused to show that you agree with what someone has suggested, even if you do not like it(表示同意某人所言,即便自己不乐意)有道理,说得对,行“I washed the dishes every night last week I'm not doing them again. “Okay, fair enough. I'll do them tonight.“上周每天晚上都是我洗碗,我不想再洗了。”“好吧,有道理,今晚我来洗。”

fairfair3 /fɛr /


  1. a public event which is organized by people who live in a particular area. At a fair you can ride on machines, try to win prizes in games, or sometimes look at farm animals and products that people have made.集市;游园会My pumpkin pie won first prize at the county fair.我的南瓜派在县游园会上获得一等奖。
  1. (business商业) a large exhibition of commercial or industrial goods商品交易会;展销会a trade / crafts fair交易会;工艺品展销会




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