

词汇 touchdown
touchdowntouch·down /ˈtʌtʃdaʊn /


(sport体育) (in football) an act of carrying the ball into the area at the end of the field (the end zone), or of catching the ball there. A touchdown is worth six points.(美式橄榄球)达阵(持球越过对方球门线或在对方球门线后接球,一次达阵可得六分)to score a touchdown达阵得分➨ WORD BUILDING 词汇扩充Football players wear helmets and pads to protect themselves.橄榄球运动员要戴头盔 (helmet) 和防护垫 (pad) 保护自己。The most important player on a football team is the quarterback, who tries to pass the ball to other players on his team.橄榄球队中最重要的队员是四分卫 (quarterback),他把球传 (pass) 给本队的其他队员。Players try to score touchdowns by catching the ball in the end zone, or by carrying it into the end zone. A touchdown is worth six points.运动员要尽力在端区 (end zone) 接球,或把球带到端区来达阵 (touchdown),达阵可得六分。




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