

词汇 way
🔑wayway1 /weɪ /


route / road路线;路
  1. [countable, usually singular] the route you take to reach somewhere路线;路径Can you tell me the way to Elm Street?你能告诉我去埃尔姆街的路吗?She lost her way and had to turn back.她迷了路,只好原路返回。We stopped for a snack on the way home.我们在回家的路上停下来吃了个快餐。
  1. [singular] the route along which you move or would move if there were space行进路线;通路There was a van parked in the alley, blocking our way.一辆客货车停在小巷里,挡住了我们的路。Get out of my way!让开!
  1. [singular] a direction or position方向;位置Look this way!看这边!Shouldn't you be wearing that hat the other way around? (= facing in the other direction) 你是不是应该把那顶帽子转过来戴?He thought I was older than my sister, but in fact it's the other way around (= the opposite of what he thought).他以为我比我的姐姐大,其实正好相反。
distance / time距离;时间
  1. [singular] ( informal ways) a distance in space or time(空间或时间上的)距离It's a long way from Houston to Amarillo.休斯敦离阿马里洛很远。Summer is still a long way off.离夏天还远着呢。
method / style方法;方式
  1. [countable] a method, style, or manner of doing something; a habit方法;方式;习惯What is the best way to learn a language?学习语言的最好方法是什么?I've discovered a terrific way of losing weight!我找到了一个绝妙的减肥方法!There are various ways in which we can help.我们可以帮忙的方式有很多。They'll have to find the money one way or another.他们必须想尽一切办法找到那笔钱。He always does things his way.他总是自行其是。
  1. [countable] a particular point or part of something方面In some ways, the meeting was very useful.从某些方面看,这次会议很有用。In a way, I kind of like him.在某些方面我有点喜欢他。Can I help you in any way?我多少能帮你点儿忙吗?
be set in your waysto be unable to change your habits, attitudes, etc.禀性难移;积习难改by the wayused for adding something to the conversation; on a new subject顺便说一下Oh, by the way, I saw Cindy yesterday.啊,顺便说一下,我昨天看见辛迪了。get / have your own wayto get or do what you want, although others may want something else一意孤行;随心所欲give wayto break or fall down断裂;倒塌The tree branch suddenly gave way and came crashing down.树枝突然断裂,掉了下来。give way (to sb / sth)
  1. to stop or to allow someone or something else to happen, develop, etc. instead让路;退让Old-fashioned methods have given way to new technology.过时的方法已被新技术所取代。
  1. to allow someone to have what he / she wants although you did not at first agree with it让步;妥协We will not give way to the terrorists' demands.我们不会向恐怖分子的要求让步。
SYN yield
go out of your way (to do sth)to make a special effort to do something特别尽心,格外努力,特意(做某事)in a big / small wayused for expressing the size or importance of an activity(表示某一活动的规模或重要程度)大(或小)规模地,大量(或少量)地in the way
  1. blocking the road or path挡住路I can't get past. There's a big truck in the way.我过不去,有辆大卡车挡住了路。
  1. not needed or wanted碍事;多余I felt like I was in the way at my daughter's party.在女儿的聚会上我感觉自己很多余。
no way (informal)
  1. definitely not绝对不行;没门儿“Can we have a party here? “No way! You'll wreck the house!“我们能在这里举行聚会吗?”“不行,你们会把这房子搞得乱七八糟的!”
  1. used to show surprise, when you find something difficult to believe(表示难以置信)不可能“Vaughan got fired yesterday. “No way!“沃恩昨天被开除了。”“不可能!”
under wayhaving started and making progress已经开始;在进行中Discussions between the two sides are now under way.双方之间的讨论目前正在进行之中。a way of lifethe behavior and customs that are typical of a person or group of people生活方式;生活习惯

wayway2 /weɪ /


  1. very far; by a large amount很远;大量His name was way down at the bottom of the list.他的名字排在了名单的最末尾。
  1. (informal) (used before a comparative用于比较级前) very; very much…得多Paul ate way more than anyone else.保罗远比其他人吃得多。This is way better than the old one.这个比那个旧的好得多。




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