

词汇 tie
🔑tietie1 /taɪ /


(present participle ty·ing, third person singular present tense ties, past tense, past participle tied)
  1. [transitive] to fasten someone or something or fix someone or something in position with rope, string, etc.捆;系;绑The prisoner was tied to a chair.囚犯被绑在椅子上。Kay tied her hair back with a ribbon.凯用丝带把头发束在脑后。to tie something in a knot把某物打结to tie your shoelaces系鞋带 OPP untie
  1. [intransitive, transitive] tie (sth) (with sb) (for sth) (sport体育) to have the same score as another player or team in a game or competition(比赛)得分相同,打成平局Wallace's touchdown tied the score at 13 in the third quarter.在第三节中,华莱士的达阵把比分拉成 13 平。Jenny tied with Sara for third place.珍妮与萨拉并列第三名。
tie sb / yourself down (often passive常用被动语态) to limit your freedom约束;束缚;限制She felt too tied down at home with the kids.她觉得因为孩子而被困在家里太受拘束。tie in (with sth)to agree with other facts or information that you have(与…)相符,吻合,相配tie sb / sth up
  1. to keep someone or something in position with rope, string, etc.将…捆住(或系起、拴住)The dog was tied up in the backyard.狗被拴在后院里。
  1. (usually passive通常用被动语态) to occupy or keep someone busy把(某人)缠住;使繁忙;使无空闲Mr. Jones is tied up in a meeting.琼斯先生正在开会,无法脱身。

🔑tietie2 /taɪ /


  1. ( necktie) a long, thin piece of cloth that you wear around your neck with a shirt领带  look at bow tie
  1. (sport体育) a game or competition in which two or more teams or players get the same score(比赛)平局,不相上下There was a tie for first place.出现了并列第一。
  1. [usually plural] something that connects you with a particular group of people纽带;联系Police believe he has ties to the Mafia.警方认为他和黑手党有关系。family ties家族关系
  1. something that limits your freedom约束;束缚;限制He never got married because he didn't want any ties.他从未结婚,因为他不想受任何束缚。




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