

词汇 cast
🔑castcast1 /kæst /


[transitive] (past tense, past participle cast)
  1. (often passive常用被动语态) to choose an actor for a particular role in a play, movie, etc.选派(演员);分配(角色)She always seems to be cast in the same sort of role.她似乎总是被选去演同类型的角色。
  1. to make an object by pouring hot liquid metal into a shaped container (a mold)浇铸;铸造a statue cast in bronze用青铜铸造的雕像
  1. to throw something投;掷;抛She cast a stone into the river.她往河里扔了块石头。to cast a line / net抛钓线;撒渔网
cast doubt on sthto make people feel less sure about something使人产生怀疑;启人疑窦The newspaper report casts doubt on the truth of his statement.报纸上的报道让人对他所说的话的真实性产生怀疑。cast an eye / your eye(s) over sb / sthto read or look at someone or something quickly in order to check that it is correct, in good condition, etc.迅速地扫一眼;粗略地检查Can you just cast an eye over my essay before I hand it in?我的论文交之前你能帮我看一眼吗?cast a shadow (across / over sth)to cause a shadow to appear somewhere投下阴影The tree cast a long shadow across the yard.那棵树在院子里投下长长的影子。 (figurative) The accident cast a shadow over the rest of the trip (= stopped people from enjoying it fully).这起事故给余下的旅程蒙上了阴影。cast a / your voteto vote投票Union members will cast their votes on the new agreement today.工会会员今天将对新协议进行投票。 cast sb / sth asideto make yourself free of someone or something or to leave someone or something behind because you do not want it anymore抛弃;丢弃She cast aside her fear of water and bravely jumped into the pool.她抛开对水的恐惧,勇敢地跳进水池。

🔑castcast2 /kæst /


  1. all the actors in a play, movie, etc.(戏剧、电影等的)全体演员The movie has an all-star cast.这部电影是全明星阵容。
  1. (health医疗保健) a hard covering that is kept around a broken bone until it heals管形石膏Her arm is in a cast.她的手臂打上了石膏。




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