

词汇 bathroom
🔑bathroombath·room /ˈbæθrum /


a room with a toilet and usually a bathtuband / or shower and a sink卫生间;洗手间The bathroom is down the hall.洗手间在大厅那边。➨ WORD BUILDING 词汇扩充We do not use toilet to talk about a room that has a toilet in it. Instead, we can use bathroom for any room that has a toilet, in a house or a public building.表示厕所或卫生间不用 toilet,而是用 bathroom,无论是家里还是公共场所。We can also use restroom, ladies' room, women's room, or men's room to talk about a room with toilets in a public building.公共场所的厕所也可用 restroom、ladies' room、women's room 或 men's room 表示Can you tell me where the restrooms are?你可以告诉我洗手间在哪里吗?In Canada, you can also use washroom.在加拿大,也可以用 washroom 表示厕所。go to the bathroomto use the toilet去卫生间;上厕所I have to go to the bathroom.我得去洗手间。




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