

词汇 lose
🔑loselose /luz /


(past tense, past participle lost /lɑst ; lɔst /)
not find找不到
  1. [transitive] to be unable to find something丢失;遗失I lost my purse. I can't find it anywhere.我把钱包丢了,哪儿都找不到。
have something taken away丧失
  1. [transitive] to no longer have someone or something失去;丧失She lost a leg in the accident.她在事故中失去了一条腿。He lost his wife last year (= she died).他去年丧妻。to lose your job丢掉工作
have less减少
  1. [transitive] to have less of something减少;降低to lose weight / interest / patience减轻体重;丧失兴趣/耐心Downtown stores are losing business to the large malls.市中心商铺的生意逐渐输给了大型购物中心。
not win未赢
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to not win; to be defeated输掉;被打败to lose a court case输掉官司Michigan lost to Ohio State in their last football game.在上次美式橄榄球比赛中,密歇根大学队输给了俄亥俄州立大学队。to lose an argument输掉辩论
time / chance时间;机会
  1. [transitive] to waste time, a chance, etc.浪费(时间等);错过(机会等)Hurry up! There's no time to lose.快点!没时间耽搁了。
clock / watch钟;表
  1. [transitive](used about a clock, watch, etc.) to go too slowly(钟、表等)走慢,慢My watch loses two minutes a day.我的表每天慢两分钟。 OPP gain
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to become poorer (as a result of something)(因某事)亏本,蚀本The company lost on the deal.公司的这笔交易亏了。
not understand / hear不懂;听不见
  1. [transitive] (informal) to cause someone not to understand something使弄不懂;使不明白You totally lost me! Try to explain it again.你把我完全弄糊涂了!尽量再解释一遍吧。
keep / lose your balanceto remain / not remain steady保持/失去平衡It's difficult to keep your balance on this icy sidewalk.在这条结冰的人行道上很难保持平衡。She tripped, lost her balance, and fell down.她被绊了一下,失去平衡,摔倒在地。keep / lose your coolto remain calm / to stop being calm and become angry, nervous, etc.保持(或失去)冷静;保持(或失去)镇定keep / lose count (of sth)to know / not know how many there are of something数得清;数不清I've lost count of the number of times he's told that joke!我都数不清那个笑话他讲了多少次了!keep / lose your temperto stay calm / to become angry克制住不发火;发脾气keep / lose track of sb / sthto know / not know what is happening somewhere or to someone or something与…保持/失去联系;了解/不了解…的动态I can't keep track of all my kids' activities and practice sessions.我无法对我孩子们的所有活动和练习课都了如指掌。lose your bearingsto become confused about where you are迷失方向;分不清东南西北lose / save faceto lose / keep yourself from losing the respect of other people丢脸;保全颜面He did not want to lose face by making a mistake in front of his boss.他不想在老板面前出错丢脸。lose heartto believe that you will be unsuccessful失去信心;灰心;气馁lose it (informal) to suddenly be unable to control your emotions because something is very funny, shocking, etc.(因非常可笑、震惊等)突然失态,突然情绪失控I just about lost it when that guy's pants fell down!那家伙的裤子滑落下来,我差点没笑出声!lose your lifeto be killed丧命;丧生lose your marbles (informal) to go crazy发疯;失去理智lose your placeto be unable to find the place in a book, etc. where you stopped reading(阅读时)找不到上次读到的地方,忘了读到哪里lose sight of sb / sth
  1. to no longer be able to see someone or something再也看不见
  1. to forget someone or something忘记;遗忘Don't lose sight of your original aim.不要忘记你最初的目标。
lose your touchto lose a special skill or ability to do something失去特有的技能(或能力)lose touch (with sb / sth)to no longer have contact (with someone or something)(与…)失去联系I've lost touch with a lot of my old friends from high school.我和中学的很多老朋友已经失去联系。a losing battlea competition, struggle, etc. in which it seems that you will be unsuccessful无望打赢的一仗;无望取胜的比赛(或斗争等) lose out (on sth) (informal) to be at a disadvantage处于不利地位If a teacher pays too much attention to the bright students, the others lose out.如果老师过于关注聪明的学生,其他学生就会受到冷落。




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