

词汇 memory
🔑memorymem·o·ry /ˈmɛməri /


(plural mem·o·ries)
  1. [countable] a person's ability to remember things记忆力;记性a good / bad memory好的/差的记性A teacher needs to have a good memory for names.教师要善于记住名字。
  1. [countable, uncountable] the part of your mind in which you store things that you remember记忆That day remained firmly in my memory for the rest of my life.那一天深深印在我的记忆里,直到终老。The appointment completely slipped my memory (= I forgot it).我彻底忘了要赴那个约会。He recited the whole poem from memory.他把全诗背诵了下来。
  1. [countable] something that you remember回忆;记起的事That is one of my happiest memories.那是我最快乐的回忆之一。I have no memories of that time at all.我根本回忆不起那段时间的事了。childhood memories童年的回忆
  1. [uncountable] (computing计算机) the part of a computer where information is stored so that it can be changed or removed(计算机的)存储器,内存This computer has 512 MB of memory.这台计算机的内存是 512 兆。  look at RAM
in memory of sb / to the memory of sbin order to remind people of someone who has died为了纪念某人A service was held in memory of the dead.为纪念死者举行了悼念仪式。refresh your / sb's memory (about sb / sth)to remind yourself / someone about something使想起;提醒Could you refresh my memory about what we said on this point last week?你能提醒我一下咱们上周就这个问题说过些什么吗?




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