

词汇 kick
🔑kickkick1 /kɪk /


  1. [transitive] to hit or move someone or something with your foot踢;踹She was knocked to the ground and kicked in the stomach.她被打倒在地,腹部被踢。He kicked the ball over the top of the net.他一脚将球踢得越过了球门网上方。
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to move your foot or feet蹬(腿);踢(脚)You have to kick your legs harder if you want to swim faster.如果想游得更快,就得用力蹬腿。The protesters were dragged kicking and screaming into the police vans.示威者又踢又叫地被拖上警车。
  1. [transitive] (informal) to stop doing something, especially a dangerous habit戒除,戒掉(尤指有害的习惯)I've smoked for over twenty years, but I want to kick the habit (= to stop smoking).我吸了二十多年的烟,但现在想戒掉这个坏习惯。
  1. [transitive] kick yourself (informal) to be annoyed with yourself because you have done something stupid, missed an opportunity, etc.(因做傻事、错失良机等)生自己的气,懊恼I could kick myself for deciding to take that class! It's way too hard.我真该死,竟然选修了那门课!实在太难了。
kick backto relax放松Kick back and enjoy the summer.轻松愉快地享受夏日的时光吧。kick in (informal) to begin to take effect开始生效(或见效)Reforms will kick in later this year.改革在今年晚些时候将初见成效。kick sth offto start something, especially with an exciting event(尤指以激动人心的事件)开始The candidate kicked off her election campaign with an appearance at the state capitol building.这位候选人现身州议会大厦,由此拉开了她竞选活动的帷幕。kick sb out (of sth) (informal) to force someone to leave a place开除;将某人赶出(某处)He was kicked out of college.他被大学开除了。

🔑kickkick2 /kɪk /


  1. [countable] an act of kicking踢;踹She gave the door a kick and it closed.她用脚一踢,门关上了。
  1. [countable] (informal) a feeling of great pleasure, excitement, etc.极度快乐(或兴奋等)He gets a real kick out of rock climbing.他从攀岩运动中得到极大的乐趣。Some teenagers steal things just for kicks.有些青少年偷东西只是为了寻求刺激。
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