

词汇 hold
🔑holdhold1 /hoʊld /


(past tense, past participle held /hɛld /)
in hand / arms手;臂
  1. [transitive] to take someone or something and keep him / her / it in your hand, etc.拿着;抓住;抱;握He held a gun in his hand.他握着一把枪。The woman was holding a baby in her arms.那女人怀里抱着一个婴儿。He manages to write by holding the pen between his teeth.他设法用牙咬着笔写字。Hold my hand. This is a busy street.拉着我的手,这条街上车多。
in position位置
  1. [transitive] to keep something in a certain position使保持(在某位置)Hold your head up straight.抬起头来。Hold the camera still or you'll spoil the picture.拿稳相机,不然照片会拍不好。These two screws hold the shelf in place.这两颗螺丝将搁板固定住。
  1. [transitive] to take the weight of someone or something承受,支撑(重量)Don't stand on that chair; I don't think it will hold you.别站在那把椅子上,我觉得它承受不住你的重量。
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to contain or have space for a particular amount容纳;包含The car holds five people.这辆车能坐五个人。How much does this bottle hold?这个瓶子的容量是多少?
someone prisoner监禁
  1. [transitive] to keep a person in a position or place by force拘禁;监禁;拘留The hijackers are holding three men hostage.劫机者将三名男子扣作人质。A suspect is being held at the police station.一名嫌疑犯被拘禁在警察局。
have something拥有
  1. [transitive] to have something (usually in an official way)(通常指正式)持有,拥有Does she hold an American passport?她持美国护照吗?She holds the world record in the 100 meters.她保持着 100 米的世界纪录。
  1. [transitive] to have an opinion, etc.持有,怀有(意见等)They hold the view that we shouldn't spend any more money.他们认为我们不应该再花钱了。
  1. [transitive] to believe that something is true about a person认为;相信I hold the parents responsible for the child's behavior.我认为父母应该对子女的行为负责。
  1. [intransitive] to remain the same保持不变;维持I hope this weather holds until the weekend.我希望这样的天气持续到周末。What I said still holds; nothing has changed.我说过的话仍然算数,没有任何改变。
  1. [transitive] to organize an event筹办;举行;举办They're holding a party for his fortieth birthday.他们要为他的四十岁生日办一次聚会。Elections are held every November.选举在每年的十一月举行。
on telephone电话
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to wait until the person you are calling is ready(打电话)等待,不挂断That extension is busy right now. Can you hold?那个分机现在占线,你别挂断好吗?
  1. [transitive] to have a conversation进行(交谈)It's impossible to hold a conversation with all this noise.这么吵吵嚷嚷的,谈话根本没法进行。
Hold it!Wait! Don't move!等一下!别动! HELP For other idioms containing hold, look at the entries for the nouns, adjectives, etc. For example, hold your own is at own.其他含 hold 的习语,参见相关名词、形容词等词条,如 hold your own 在词条 own 下。 hold sth against sbto not forgive someone for something he / she has done(因某人做了某事)不原谅某人,记恨某人hold sb / sth back
  1. to prevent someone from making progress阻碍…取得进展
  1. to prevent someone or something from moving forward阻止…前进;拦阻;阻挡The police tried to hold the crowd back.警察努力想拦住人群。
hold sth backnot give information隐瞒,不透露(信息)The police are sure that she is holding something back. She knows a lot more than she is saying.警方相信她有所隐瞒。她知道的远比她说出来的要多。hold on
  1. to wait等待Hold on. I'll be with you in a minute.等一下,我马上就来。
  1. to manage in a difficult or dangerous situation(在困境或危险中)坚持住,支撑They managed to hold on until an ambulance arrived.他们一直坚持到救护车到来。
hold onto sb / sthnot let go of someone or something紧紧抓住;不松开The child held onto his mother; he didn't want her to go.那孩子紧紧抓住母亲,不想让她走。hold onto sthnot give or sell something保留;不给;不卖They offered me a lot of money for this painting, but I'm going to hold onto it.他们出高价要买这幅画,可我不打算卖。hold outto last (in a difficult situation)(困境中)维持,支撑How long will our supply of water hold out?我们储备的水够用多久?hold sth outto offer something by moving it toward someone把…递给He held out a piece of candy and offered it to the girl.他拿出一块糖给那个女孩。hold out for sthto continue to ask for something坚持要求(某事)hold sb / sth upto make someone or something late使迟到;使耽搁We were held up by the traffic.我们遇上堵车,所以晚了。hold up sthto rob something, using a gun, etc.(持枪等)抢劫Masked men held up a bank on Main Street yesterday.昨天蒙面男子持枪抢劫了市区大街上的一家银行。

🔑holdhold2 /hoʊld /


  1. [countable, singular] the act or manner of having someone or something in your hand(s)拿;抓;抱;握to have a firm hold on the rope牢牢抓住绳子judo / wrestling holds柔道/摔跤擒拿法
  1. [singular] a hold (on / over sb / sth) influence or control影响;控制The party has strengthened its hold on Congress.该党加强了对国会的控制。
  1. [countable] the part of a ship or an aircraft where luggage, goods, etc. are carried(船或飞机的)货舱
catch, get, grab, take, etc. hold (of sb / sth)to take something in your hands抓住;拿着;握着Take hold of the other side of this sheet and help me fold it.抓着被单的另一边,帮我叠起来。I can touch it, but I can't quite get hold of it. It's too far away.我能摸到它,可不大能抓住。它离得太远。get (a) hold of sbto find someone or make contact with someone找到某人;和某人取得联系I've been trying to get hold of the customer service department all morning.我一上午都在努力联系客户服务部。get (a) hold of sthto find something that will be useful找到(日后会有用的东西)Where can I get hold of a good dictionary?我从哪儿能弄到本好词典?on hold
  1. (on the telephone) waiting to talk to someone or to continue a conversation(打电话)等某人接电话,等着继续交谈to put someone on hold让某人等待They kept me on hold for ten minutes!他们让我拿着电话等了十分钟!
  1. delayed until a later time or date推迟;延后;中断Plans to build a new stadium are on hold until we can find more funding.修建新体育场的计划暂停,等我们筹到更多资金再进行。
take holdto begin to have control over someone or something; to start to have an effect on someone or something开始控制;对…产生作用They got out of the house before the flames took hold.他们在大火吞噬房子之前逃了出来。




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