

新目标八年级上Unit2英语单元目标达成测试卷 篇1

  八年级(上)英语单元目标达成测试卷(二)class_________     name___________    no.____________ 第一部分听力理解ⅰ、听句子编号.5%                    __________ ____________ ___________   ___________ ____________ⅱ、听对话,回答问题.(5%(   )1. a. because she has a sore back..   b. because she has a cold. c. because she has a stomachache.(   )2. a. no, he isn’t.   b. yes, he is.   c. no, he doesn’t.(   )3. a. no, she didn’t.  b. yes, she did.  c. we don’t know.(   )4. a.drink a lot of water. b eat junk food. c see a dentist.(   )5. a. she feels well.  b. she is beautiful.  c. she has a fever.ⅲ、听短文,判断正确(t)与错误(f). (10%)(   )1. when you have a cold, you can go to see nancy’s mother.(   )2. nancy brushes her teeth twice a day.(   )3. nancy goes to bed without brushing her teeth.(   )4. nancy has a toothache once (   )5. nancy is popular in her class. 第二部分笔试部分(80%请用表示人体部分的单词的正确形式填空.10%let’s learn our body. think with your_____.write with your _____.look with your _____. listen with your _____. smell (闻) with your _____. eat and speak with your _____. turn your head with your _____. put your backpack on your _____.walk with your _____.brush your _____ every morning and evening. don’t forget arms or stomach.ⅱ、单项选择.15%(   )1. my uncle isn’t _____ at the moment.a.feel well  b. feeling well.  c. feeling good  d. feel good(   )2. what’s the matter _____ you?a.with   b. on   c. in   d. to(   )3. how is the young man? _____a. he is twenty.  b. he is a doctor.  c. he’s very well.  d. he’s english.(   )4. we shouldn’t eat _____ junk food.a.      too many   b. too much   c. many too   d. much too(   )5. everyone _____ sometimes.a. get tired   b. are tired   c. gets tired   d. gets tiring(   )6. my mother is ill._____a.      ok.   b. too bad.   c. thank you   d i’m sorry to hear it.(   )7. it’s important _____ in good health.a.      keep   b. keeping   c. to keep   d. keeps(   )8. if you are thirsty, you should _____a.eat a lot of food       b. drink a lot of water c. lie down and rest      d. exercise(   )9. you shouldn’t eat _____ 24 hours.a.      something in  b. nothing for  c. anything for  d. everything at(   )10. we should eat more vegtables to _____ health.a. give   b. need   c. stay   d. bring(   )11. could you give me _____?a. an advice   b. advices  c.some advice   d. some advice(   )12. we have _____ homework to do.a. many   b. a lot of   c. a lot   d. a lots of(   )13. you look tired, you should have a good rest for _____ daysa. a few   b. few   c. little   d. a little(   )14. he often plays sports, ______ , running, swimmingand ping-pong.a. for an example  b. for examples  c. for example  d. for the example(   )15. he worked late ______ eleven o’clock yesterday.a. after   b. until   c. since   d. inⅲ、完成对话.请注意有一项是多余的.5%

  a. do you sleep well?  b. do you do exercise?  c. do you often have breakfast? d. what’s the matter, madam? e. you are not ill. f. when did you start?

  a: ________________________b: i feel weak. i can hardly do any work, doctor.a: _________________________b: a month ago.a: do you have a headache?b: no, i don’t.a: _________________________b: yes, i sleep very well.a: _________________________b: no, i don’t. and i have little food for lunch because i want to keep thin.a: oh, i see.______________you don’t need to take medicine.you need to eat more food and do some exercise every day. then you can be better soon.ⅳ、选择最佳建议.(10分)( )1. headache. .        a. drink hot tea with honey.( )2.  stomachache.      b.   see a dentist.( )3.  toothache.         c.  listen to music.( )4.  fever.             d.  don’t eat too much, try to eat it once a week.( )5.  sore throat.        e.   go to bed early.( )6.  hungry.           f.   don’t eat anything for 24 hours.( )7.  thirsty.           g.   lie down and rest.( )8.  stressed out.       h.  drink some orange juice.( )9. tired.             i.  eat some food.( )10. junk food.         j.   drink lots of water.ⅴ、根据句意及汉语提示写出单词,并用起适当的形式填空.5%1. christmas day is a very important festival in the ______(西方) countries.2. don’t be ______(生气) , he is a child only.3. they are talking about his ______(病).4. he______(相信)he will be better soon.5. eating a ______(平衡) diet is good for health.ⅵ、完形填空.10%mr johnson was having trouble with his stomach , ___1__ he went to see a doctor. the doctor ___2__ his stomach carefully but couldn’t find any problem. then he said, “well, mr johnson, take it easy. there is __3__ serious(严重). stop smoking and then you will be all right very __4__.”“but doctor,” answered mr johnson, “i___5__. i don’t like smoking at all.” “ oh, i see,” said the doctor,” then stop drinking wine(酒) __6__.”“ but i don’t drink wine,” answered mr johnson.“ don’t drink __7__ tea or coffee then,” the doctor said to him.“ i __8__ drink water,” answered mr johnson, “i don’t like tea or coffee.”the doctor __9__ for a while and then said,” well, what do you like to eat then?”“ potatoes! i like potatoes very much..” mr johnson answered at once.“all right, then stop __10___ potatoes.” said the doctor as he got up to say goodbye to mr johnson.(   )1. a. so   b. but   c. or   d. for(   )2. a. look for   b. look at   c. look over   d. look after(   )3. a. anything   b. something   c. nothing   d. everything(   )4. a. early   b. soon   c. late   d. much(   )5. a. often smoked  b. never smoked c. always smoked  d. usually smoked(   )6. a. from now on   b. from then on   c. until now   d. until today(   )7. a. any   b. many   c. some   d. a few(   )8. a. never   b. only   c. don’t  d. hardly(   )9. a. thinks   b. thought   c. is thinking   d. think(   )10. a. cutting   b. buying   c. washing   d. eatingⅶ、阅读理解.15%aamy brown is nine years old. she has a bad cold and cough(咳嗽) .so she goes to see a doctor. the doctor gives her some cough medicine.there are some words on the bottle of medicine.

  cough medicine shake well before use. take three times each day after meals does(剂量)     adults 2 teaspoonfuls children 8-14 1 teaspoonful children 4-7 1/2 teaspoonful not suitable for children below(在…以下) the age of 4 put it in cold places use before oct.2006

  根据短文,判断对错. 对的写t,错的写f.5%(   )1. amy should take three teaspoonfuls every day.(   )2. the medicine shouldn’t be put in a hot place.(   )3. if a two-year-old child has a cough ,he has to take 1/4 teaspoonful.(   )4. don’t take the medicine without shaking well.(   )5. it’s good for amy to take the medicine after oct.2006.bxia ming’s letter and the answersxia ming was worried about his study, so he wrote a letter to a magazine:dear editors,i’m a slow student in my class. most of my classmates are much better than me. so i get very stressed out. it’s difficult to keep on working hard and it’s really not fun. and i think although i spend much time studying for the tests, i can’t get good grades. my father gives me some help sometimes. he tells me not to worry about it. but what do you think i should do?xia mingtwo readers read the letter from the magazine and here are their answers:dear xia ming,many famous people are not so good at the age like you. edison, the famous scientist ,had a bad headache for his studies when he was a 12-year-old boy. but everyone knows that he did a lot foe the people in the world. and newton had the same story like him. you should take it easy, then try your best. i believe you can do better.thumbelinadear xia ming,when you are feeling stressed out, just smile and take a deep breath, you should believe tomorrow is anther day.mr unsmart(   )6. xia ming worried about ______.a. his classmates   b. his life   c. his study   d. his father(   )7. thumbelina gave ______ examples in the letter.a. one   b. two   c. three    d. four(   )8. thumbelina wrote about those famous people _____.a. to make xia ming feel better      b. to make xia ming laugh c. to show how much she knows     d. to show that she dislike them(   )9. which is not true?a.xia ming doesn’t have fun studying at school.b. xia ming’s father always helps him with his study.c. smiling can reduce the pressure.d. edison is well-known in the world.(   )10. “tomorrow is another day.” tells us _____.a. it’s the weekend tomorrow.b. xia ming can get good grades tomorrow.c. tomorrow is different from today.d. there are hopes in our lives(生活).ⅷ、书面表达.10%根据图画内容几所给英文提示,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑的文章。ill,  yesterday,  take…to hospital, look over, medicine, rest, help   _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________unit2 听力材料及参考答案听力材料ⅰ、听句子编号. (读一遍)1.i going skateboarding three times a week. 2. he is stressed out because he has lots of homework to do. 3. after school we join the sports club. 4. there is something wrong with my teeth. 5. look! she is reading a book.ⅱ、听对话,回答问题. 读一遍)1. a: you’re late, jane? b: i’m sorry, mr green. i have a stomachache. q: why is jane late for school?2. a: alan, what do you think of soap operas? b: i can’t stand. q: does alan like soap operas?3. a: when did the sore back start, sarah? b: about a week ago, doctor. q: did sarah have a sore back seven days ago?4. a: what’s the matter, madam? b: i have a sore throat. a: you should drink lots of water. you shouldn’t eat junk food. q: what should the woman do?5. a: are you feeling well? b: no, i have a bad fever. q: what’s the matter with the girl?ⅲ、听短文,判断正确(t)与错误(f). 读两遍)nancy’s mother is a dentist and she asks nancy to brush her teeth twice a day. every day nancy brushes her teeth in the morning before breakfast and in the evening before going to bed. so she has very healthy and nice teeth. nancy never has a toothache and there is always a big smile on her face. the teacher and all her classmates like her very much.参考答案听力理解ⅰ. 53412 ⅱ.1-5 c c b a c  ⅲ. f t f f t 笔试部分ⅰ.1-10 head  hand  eyes  ears  nose mouth  neck  back  feet  teethⅱ. 1-5 b a c b c 6-10 d c b c c 11-15 c b a c bⅲ. d f a c eⅳ. 1-10 g f b j a i h c e dⅴ. western  angry  illness  believes  balancedⅵ. 1-5 a c c b b  6-10 a a b b dⅶ. 1-5 t f f t f   6-10 c b a b d  ⅷ. 写作(略)

新目标八年级上Unit2英语单元目标达成测试卷 篇2


  class_________     name___________   no.____________

  第一部分  听力理解(20%)

  ⅰ、听句子,选出你所听到的单词或词组. (5%)

  (    ) 1. tea   b. juice   c. coffee

  (    ) 2. a. one   b. once   c. only

  (    ) 3. a. often   b. usually   c. sometimes

  (    ) 4. a. go shopping   b. go swimming   c. go skateboarding

  (    ) 5. a. health   b. healthy   c unhealthy

  ⅱ、听句字,选择正确的答语. (5%)

  (   )6. a. i listen to the music. b. i read some books. c. i. have lunch.

  (    ) 7. a yes, i do.  b no, i don’t.   c sorry, ms smith.

  (    ) 8. a i like it.  b he doesn’t mind it.  c he likes them.

  (    ) 9. a she is a doctor.

  b. she works in a hospital.

  c. she wants to be a doctor.

  (    ) 10. a. animal world.  b. koalas.  c australia.

  ⅲ、听短文,回答问题. (10%)

  (    ) 11. where does the man work?

  a. in a school   b. in a factory   c. in a hospital

  (    ) 12. does his work begin at eight o’clock?

  a. yes, he does.   b. no, he doesn’t.   c. sorry, i don’t know.

  (    ) 13. what doesn’t he do in the evening?

  a. listen to the radio   b. go to the movies   c. watch tv

  (    ) 14. how many times does he go to a party?

  a. once   b. twice   c. three times

  (    ) 15. when does he go to bed every night?

  a. just after supper   b. very late   c. very early

  第二部分 笔试部分(80%)


  (    ) 1. i usually go to the movies__ a month.

  a. twice  b. twice time  c. two times  d. twice times

  (    ) 2. _____do they play football?


  a. how soon  b. how much  c. how many  d. how often

  (    ) 3. his mother wants him _____ at home today.

  a. stays  c. stayed  c. to stay  d. staying

  (    ) 4. here _____ the results _____ the students activity survey.

  a. is, with  b. are, of  c. is, of  d. are, with

  (    ) 5. _____ dasan is from canada ,_____he can speak chinese very well.

  a. although, but  b. although, /  c. although, so  d. /, so

  (    ) 6.good _____habits help me get good grades.

  a. studying  b. study  c.studied  d.studies

  (    ) 7. i think doing sports is _____our health.

  a. good at  b. bad for   c. good for  d. good to

  (    )  8. is her  watch _______ yours or different?

  a. the same   b. the same as   c. same as   d. the same to

  (    ) 9. my mother is out, so i have to _____ my young sister at home.

  a. look at  b. look after  c.look for  d. look over

  (    ) 10.let us talk about the difference ______chinese and english names.

  a. on   b. of    c. between   d. with

  ⅱ、根据所给单词的适当形式填空. (5%)

  1. my brother’s _____(wtite) habits are not good.

  2. my mom goes shopping _____(two) a week.

  3. she tries _____(eat) a lot of vegetables and fruit.

  4. on weekends, i have to help my mom _____(clean) the house.

  5. _____(not) run after meals.

  ⅲ、对话填空,每空一词,词的第一个字母已经给出. (10%)

  a: hi, mary. you look pretty h____1.___!

  b: thank you. i often  e___2.____.

  a: how o___3.___ do you do sports?

  b: about three t__4___ a day.

  a: what about your food?

  b: i try to eat d __5___ kinds of vegetables and fruit. also i d__6___ milk every day. but i n___7__ drink coffee.

  a: then how m___8___hours do you sleep every night?

  b: nine. i need lots of sleep.

  a: oh i see.your good h__9___help you keep in good h_____.

  b: that’s right.


  or   no    most   some   how often   as for   maybe   internet 

  1.______ homework, ______(51%-99%)students do homekorks every day.

  2. ______ (1%-50%) students play computer games once a week.

  3. no students surf the ______ every day.

  4. ______ does he watch tv? —every day.

  5.some students go shopping three ______ four times a week.

  6.old henry is sad, because he has ______ friends.

  7. he looks very tired, ______ he worked all night.


  1. ever, hardly, to, he, the, goes, movies_____________________________.

  2. tv, schooldays, watch, i, on, not, do______________________________.

  3. try, must, less, eat, to, meat, you___________________________________.

  4. mother, to, learn, my, piano, me, the, wants__________________________.

  5.you, think, do, has, lifestyle, good, a, she____________________________?

  6.you, do, usually, weekends, what, do, on_____________________________?


  food is very important. everyone needs to ___1__ well if he or she wants to have a strong body. our brains (大脑) also need a kind of food. this kind of food is __2___. we begin to get knowledge (知识) when we are very young. small children are interested in everything around them. they learn ___3__ while (当) they are watching and __4___.when they are getting older, they begin to ___5__ storybooks, anything they like. when they find something new, they like to ask questions and __6___to find out the answer.

  what is the best ___7__ to get knowledge? if we __8___ by ourselves, we’ll get the most knowledge. if we’re __9___ getting answers from others and do not ask why, we will never learn well. when we study in a right way, we will learn ___10__ and understand (理解) better.

  (    ) 1. a. read   b. see   c. drink   d. eat

  (    ) 2. a. knowledge   b. sport   c. playing   d. fruit

  (    ) 3. a. everything   b. something   c. nothing   d. anything

  (    ) 4. a. finding   b. listening to   c. listening   d. looking at

  (    ) 5. a. learn   b. buy   c. write   d. read

  (    ) 6. a. try   b. have   c. like   d. should

  (    ) 7. a place   b. school   c. way   d. road

  (    ) 8. a. work   b. learn   c. help   d. do

  (    ) 9. a. often   b. always   c. usually   d. sometimes

  (    ) 10. a. more   b. much   c. little   d. some



  liu xiang is a famous runner in the world. he was the winner(获胜者) of the athens olympics(雅典奥运会) . the chinese people are proud (自豪) of him. he is a hard-working young man. he is still strong and healthy. why is he in good health? he usually gets up early in the morning and exercises every day. he likes listening to music and he sings well. he has good eating habits. he never eats junk food and hardly ever smokes and drinks. he goes to bed early and sleeps 8 hours every night. he often says, “it is important(重要) for health to have a good lifestyle.”


  (    ) 1. liu xiang is a singer.

  (    ) 2. he never wins the olympics.

  (    ) 3. he doesn’t have a healthy eating habit.

  (    ) 4. he likes singing and smoking very much.

  (    ) 5. he has enough (足够的) sleep and he is healthy.


  perhaps you have heard a lot about the internet, but what is it?

  the internet is many different networks around the world. a network is a group of computers put together. these networks joined together are called the internet.

  maybe that doesn’t sound interesting. but when we’ve joined the internet. there are lots of things we can do. we can have a lot of interest on the world wide web (www). we can use the internet instead of a library to find all kinds of information for our homework.. we can find information about our favorite sports or film stars and do shopping on the internet. we can also send messages to other people by e-mail. it is much cheaper and quicker than calling our friends or sending letters.

  thanks to the internet, the world is becoming smaller and smaller. people can now work at home with a computer in front, getting and sending the information they need. they can buy or sell whatever they want by the internet. but do you know 98%of the information is english? so what will english be like tomorrow?

  (    ) 6. the passage is mainly about_____.

  a. the internet   b. information   c. computers   d. e-mail

  (    ) 7. the quickest and cheapest way for people to send message to their friends is _____.

  a. by post   b. by e-mail   c. by telephone   d. by tv

  (    ) 8. the internet can not be used to _____.

  a. find information for our homework..

  b. get some information about our favorite sports stars.

  c. do some shopping.      d. do some housework

  (    ) 9. which of the following is not true?

  a. the internet is a big computer. 

  b. the internet is lots of computer networks.

  c. the internet is very helpful.

  d. people can work at home with the help of the internet.

  (    ) 10. what does the writer try to tell us with the last two sentences?

  a. the internet is more and more popular.

  b. all the information is english.

  c. english is important in using the internet.

  d. every computer must join the internet.



  activities how often   

  do homework 2 hours a day   

  watch tv only on the weekends   

  play sports three times a week   

  practice english every morning and every night   

  go shopping once a month   

  sleep 9-10 hours 



  unit1 听力材料及参考答案



  1. do you like coffee?

  2. mom shops once a week.

  3. we often eat fruit.

  4. let’s go skateboarding.

  5. junk food is unhealthy.

  ⅱ、听句字,选择正确的答语. (读一遍)

  6. what do you usually do in a library?

  7. don’t run in the hallway.

  8. what does he think of the animal world?

  9. what does he want to be?

  10. which animal only lives in australia?


  my name is jack martin. i’m a teacher and i work in a school near here. i work from nine o’clock in the morning until six o’clock in the evening each day . usually i have breakfast and dinner at home . i have lunch in a restaurant near my school. in the evening, i sometimes listen to the radio or watch tv. i never go to the movies. once in a while i go to a party at a friend’s house. every night i go to bed early and fall asleep immediately.   


  听力理解   1-5 c b a c c    6-10 b c b c b   11-15 a b b a c


  ⅰ. 1-5 a d c b b   6-10  a c b b c

  ⅱ. writing  twice  to eat  clean/to clean  don’t

  ⅲ. healthy  exercise  often  times  different  drink  never  many  habits  health

  ⅳ. as for  most  some  internet  how often  or  no  maybe

  ⅴ. 1. she hardly ever goes to the movies.

  2. i don’t watch tv on schooldays.

  3. you must try to eat less meat.

  4. my mother wants me to learn the piano.

  5. do you think she has a good lifestyle?

  6. what do you usually do on weekends?

  ⅵ. 1-5 d a b c d  6-10 a c b b a

  ⅶ. 1-5 f f f f t  6-10 a b d a c

  ⅷ. 写作(略)